
Opening Segment
A recap of the return of “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels plays. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Before the show starts, I’d like to congratulate TNA iMPACT for winning the Thursday Night Wars when Superstars canceled. iMPACT squished that show like a bug. Just kidding, they air at different times. You can check out the fictional Thursday Night Wars written by TNAStars owner Joe here on the site. And congrats to TNA for being the #1 Wrestling company since WWE now stands for…nothing. It’s just WWE, Vince changed the name.))
Fortune and Daniels make their entrance inside the iMPACT Zone. Daniels gets a nice welcome back chant. He says he appreciates it, but he has to admit that his relationship with TNA has been rocky because he’s been in and out of favor so many times, but that’s okay because it’s the wrestling business. But there’s one thing more important to him than the business, and that’s the friendships he made. He calls AJ Styles a brother, and they’ve had their ups and downs but have always had each other’s backs no matter what. They’ve kept that promise for eight years, but three weeks ago he saw what Bully Ray did to his best friend and he realized that it was time for him to come back to TNA. He offers his loyalty to AJ to the rest of Fortune and begs them to let him be the fourth man in Lethal Lockdown.
Immortal’s music hits, and out comes Flair with Hardy, Abyss and Ray. Flair says this has gone on too long and they’re past the point of no return, but he doesn’t even know who Daniels is and hasn’t seen him coming and going anywhere. Flair points to Fortune and says they’re the champions and are the best there is, and that he hopes AJ is stuck sitting home for the rest of his life. Flair says Fortune made a mistake siding with AJ rather than himself, and now they’ve got this fly by night talking for them. Flair gives him the opportunity to walk out of TNA right now, because someone’s going to get hurt and it’s not Immortal. Daniels tells Flair that he appreciates Flair’s offer, but he can take his offer and stick it straight up his ass, and nobody wants to be in Lethal Lockdown more than him. Flair says he and Hogan have decided that he’s not under contract and has no business here and tells him to hit the bricks. Daniels says Flair obviously doesn’t want him here, but the Network want Daniels here and it seems like someone is one step ahead of all of them.
Hogan’s music hits, and he comes out with Bischoff in tow. Hogan says that he runs this place and he makes the rules, but they don’t have a problem with him being on TV and if the Network wants him, they’ll get him. If the Network wants him to have a contract, then Bischoff will give him one, and as far as Lockdown goes, Hogan would love to see him in the ring. But he’s still in charge, and he makes a Daniels vs Bully Ray match tonight. Ray tells Daniels if he had a brain, he would have taken Flair’s advice and hit the bricks, and he doesn’t want any part of Ray because he crippled his best friend, and if Daniels wants it, Ray will put him in a bed right next to his friend. Ray says he doesn’t know why Daniels would want to come back and fight him because he’s the baddest motherf’r on the block, and tells Daniels to go back to California and put some more mascara on, paint his fingernails, and maybe a little bit of lipstick, and go watch Oprah. Daniels says if he were Ray, he wouldn’t worry about his makeup, he should worry about the guy kicking his ass. Daniels goes after Ray, leading to a brawl breaking out between the two sides. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Love Bully Ray as a heel, an amazing promo man! In a way, I love the way they down, it makes everyone that doesn’t know him more shocked when they see how great he is.))
We go backstage where Ken Anderson gets unpacked and opens up his laptop, and finds an envelope from Sting with a letter inside telling him that last week was just the preview and tonight…it’s SHOWTIME! Anderson says he would have preferred flowers and then sings that it’s a beautiful day in the Impact Zone.
-Commercial Break-
We go to Hogan and Bischoff’s office, and Hogan is really pissed off that the Network keeps screwing with him. They always seem to be a step ahead of them, and whoever is behind this thinks like a wrestler. They won the lawsuit, and something’s gotta be done. Hogan says something has to be done fast because HE’S TIRED OF THE DAMN NETWORK! Hogan slams the door, having finally noticed the guy standing there with a camera recording his conversation. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Sure hope it doesn’t turn out to be Dixie whispering in the Network’s ear. Wouldn’t it be cool if it was a rival from Hogan’s past? Maybe Flair was conning Hogan the whole time?))
Hernandez & Anarchia vs Tommy Dreamer & Devon
Dreamer backdrops Hernandez to the floor as Devon lays Anarchia out and hits a running headbutt for a two count. Devon’s drop toehold sets Anarchia up for a kneedrop from Dreamer for a two count. Dreamer nails Hernandez outside the ring and sets Anarchia up for the Whazzup, Devon nails it, and then Hernandez comes in and goes at it with Devon. Dreamer dumps Anarchia and goes after him to the floor as Devon hits a Thesz Press. Anarchia rams Tommy into the ringpost as Devon sets up for the Deathdrop, but Rosita comes into the ring so Devon turns his attention to her and kisses her. Anarchia nails Devon from the outside with a chair and Hernandez covers for the win.
Winners by pinfall: Hernandez & Anarchia
Hernandez sends Sarita and Rosita outside to pull up the ringside mats as they put the boots to Tommy and Devon. Hernandez goes to give Dreamer the Border Toss onto the floor but Matt Morgan runs in and nails Anarchia, then goes face to face with Hernandez. Anarchia grabs Morgan from behind and gets chokeslammed, but Hernandez slides out to the floor and heads for the hills.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Winter is freaking out on Angelina Love for agreeing to the match tonight because Velvet Sky doesn’t have her best interests at heart. Winter says she loves Angelina, then turns her around in the chair and helps her drink her water again.
Samoa Joe vs Murphy
The Pope’s music hits before the match and he comes out to the announce booth to join Mike Tenay and Taz. Murphy nails Joe from behind and beats him down. Joe kills him with a hard clothesline, rams knees into Murphy’s head, and catches the choke sleeper for the tapout win.
Winner by submission: Samoe Joe
Joe immediately leaves the ring and comes after Pope, who heads right for the back.
Hervey is following Mr. Anderson around as he finds another note at the coffee station. It says that tonight, they should finish what they started. Anderson turns around and yells at Sting to come out wherever he is because he doesn’t like love notes.
Knockouts Tag Team Title Match: Sarita & Rosita vs Angelina Love & Velvet Sky
Angelina is…zombie-like. Sarita nails Velvet from behind and goes for a springboard crossbody, but Velvet moves and hits a dropkick. Rosita tags in, so Velvet hits an inverted atomic drop and a running bulldog. Velvet with a pair of knee smashes and a running clothesline and then goes for the tag, but Angelina just stares off into space so Velvet lets Rosita go and tries to wake Angelina up. Winter comes out and yells to Angelina, then makes the “break in half” motion and Angelina snaps Velvet’s neck over the top ropes and pummels her in the ring. Winter motions for Angelina to come to her, which she does as Rosita covers Velvet for the win.
Winners by pinfall: Sarita & Rosita
Velvet seems totally shocked at what just happened. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m surprised that we had to see this garbage. Isn’t it tongue-in-cheek considering the Jeff Hardy situation at Victory Road))
We go backstage again as Mr. Anderson is still looking for Sting, and now has a pipe in hand. He finds Eric Young and Orlando Jordan backstage, and Jordan says he’d like to talk to Anderson about this whole asshole thing. Anderson thanks him vaguely, mocks his own PPV poster, then walks off again.
-Commercial Break-
Anderson can’t seem to find Sting anywhere in the rafters, but a black trench coat-clad form sneaks up behind him and beats him down. He tears the trench coat off and it’s Rob Van Dam, who says it’s 4/20 and time for Anderson to get smoked. RVD beats Anderson down, then picks him back up so he can beat him down again. RVD asks if it hurts, and says now he’s going to show him hurt, and he puts him in a headscissors. Anderson is totally motionless, so RVD puts the boots to him some more, then takes Anderson’s pipe, wraps it around his throat, and drags him around the floor with it. RVD finally releases, says “see you later, asshole!” and walks off.
While Anderson’s recovering from getting his ass kicked, we go to a video package detailing the history between Ken Anderson, Rob Van Dam, and Sting, and then we take a look back at what we just saw with RVD beating up Ken Anderson.
The TNA World Champion Sting makes his way out to the ring. Sting says he’s having a really good night, and asks Rob Van Dam to come join him out in the ring. RVD comes out to join him, and Sting says the reason he came back to TNA to stop Hogan and Bischoff, but he got distracted with RVD and Anderson, and says they’ve never gotten along. RVD says that’s because he debuted by beating Sting and then took about a thousand baseball bat shots. Sting says it was a mistake and he apologizes, and then asks RVD to apologize for using him as a pawn in his game with Anderson. RVD says he respects Sting for being World Champion even though he never lost that title, and Sting probably doesn’t remember when he was working undercard matches while Sting was main eventing. He’s the Whole F’n Show, and come Lockdown, Sting’s going to find out what he’s dealing with.
Hogan’s music hits, and he comes back out with Bischoff and says he’s starting to dig RVD’s new attitude. It makes him want to do something crazy, so he decided why wait until Lockdown when he can set up RVD vs Sting tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Madison Rayne and Tara are backstage arguing, and Madison tells Tara that she only has a job here because she got her in and asks if she wants to go back to scrubbing toilets. Tara says she’s not comfortable with this, and Madison tells her to get on the bike and go.
Anderson is back to walking around backstage and knocks a Sting and RVD poster off the wall with his pipe, then goes over to a Hulk Hogan poster and stares at it intently.
Robbie E & Generation Me vs Brian Kendrick, Chris Sabin & Suicide
Robbie takes Sabin down with a shoulderblock but Sabin comes back with some armdrags and tags in Suicide. Suicide whips Robbie into a slam/elbowdrop combo for a two count. Sucide goes a running clothesline in the corner, but Max Buck grabs Suicide from the outside and Robbie slams him backward for two. Max tags in and unloads with right hands and a standing dropkick, then orders Jeremy to go up top and hit a double axhandle. Max goes after Suicide but gets bulldogged into the second turnbuckle and Kendrick tags in and wipes everyone out with dropkicks. Max tries a rollup but Kendrick kicks out at one and hits a leaping enziguiri and dropkick for two. Sabin and Suicide dive onto Jeremy and Robbie on the floor as Kendrick goes after Max but Jeremy comes in with a spinning enziguiri and then goes up top, but Max crotches him on the top rope and yells at him before hitting a top rope DDT on his own brother, then just stands there while Kendrick crawls over and pins Jeremy.
Winners: Brian Kendrick, Chris Sabin & Suicide
Max takes his Generation Me armband off and throws it at Jeremy.
In Hogan’s office, he’s chewing Rob Terry, Gunner & Murphy out. He tells Gunner to slap the other two and get them out of his office. They leave, and Anderson walks in, drops his pipe, and says he’s tired of getting beaten up every week. He wants a favor and begs Hogan to be the referee tonight between Sting and RVD. Hogan asks what he gets out of it, and Anderson says that if Hogan scratches his back, he will scratch Hogan’s. Hogan shakes his hand and says he’s been waiting for this for a long time, and tells Anderson to take that pipe with him for the main event. Anderson leaves and Hogan smiles and does his evil cackle. ((Jarrett’s Jab – If Anderson’s joining Immortal, PLEASE don’t let this be how, I want to be surprised, not have a backstage segment about it))
We go out to the parking lot and Mickie James is lying on the ground. Tara and Madison are speeding away on the motorcycle. Hervey lays his camera and tries to help Mickie!
-Commercial Break-
The paramedics are attending to Mickie as we get ready for the in-ring return of Christopher Daniels.
Lumberjack Match: Bully Ray vs Christopher Daniels
The Lethal Lockdown teams are the lumberjacks for this match. Ray takes Daniels to the corner and beats him down, but Daniels comes out with armdrags and hits a running forearm to send Ray to the outside on the Immortal side. Ray goes back in where Daniels unloads on Ray but gets dumped to the floor, again on the Immortal side. Immortal beats him down until Fortune chases him off, and Daniels gets back in and Ray unloads on him with hard chops. Ray slaps him around and Daniels tries to fight back, but Ray runs him over with a clothesline then stands over Daniels, drilling him with punches. Ray gets his chain but Daniels starts fighting back and hits a running forearm and a leaping enziguiri for two. Daniels gets a Frankensteiner and a running forearm in the corner but Ray wipes him out with another clothesline. Ray misses a splash and Daniels gets an STO and then hits the BME and goes for the cover, but Flair pulls Jackson James out to the floor before he can count to three. Ray goes to the floor as Immortal and Fortune fight it out and Daniels oges after him, but Hogan is out and punches Daniels in the head with the chain. Jackson James is back in and Ray covers Daniels for the win.
Winner by pinfall: Bully Ray
((Jarrett’s Jab – Love how this showed how good Daniels is, and that the end showed how dangerous he is. Also it showed how worried Immortal is if Hogan himself had to interfere in this match))
-Commercial Break-
Jeff Jarrett is inside the steel cage talking about Angle violating the restraining order and getting hauled off in cuffs like a common street thug. He wonders if this is part of his master plan to not have to step into the cage at Lockdown and face Jarrett like a man. Jarrett’s been around the business for a long time and seen a lot of gutless acts, but this takes the cake. But this could be a huge blessing in disguise, because if this had happened 10 days ago and he had beaten Angle within an inch of his life again, the law would have come and arrested him, but now when Angle gets out of prison they can go forward like men. He and Karen have decided not to let the kids visit him in prison because they don’t want to expose him to that. Karen has some words and Jarrett says to introduce her, but Kurt’s music hits instead and Angle uses Suicide’s cable and comes down from the ceiling. Angle tears his shirt off and goes after Jarrett, but Jeff throws a cameraman in the way and climb out of the cage and runs to the back.
Also backstage now is Kurt Angle, who says that he’s been in touch with the Network, and they have added a special stipulation to their Lockdown match.
Rob Van Dam vs Sting, special referee Ken Anderson
A bunch of stalling leads to RVD catches Sting with a back elbow and springboard jumpkick, then top rope thrust kick and Rolling Thunder for two. RVD goes after Sting in the corner, but missed the backflip shoulderblock and hit the post. Sting whips RVD to the corner and hits the Stinger Splash for a two count. Sting hits a Scorpion Deathdrop, but Anderson suddenly hits the Mic Check on Sting. RVD comes to and hits the Five Star Frog Splash for the win.
Winner by pinfall: Rob Van Dam
RVD does his “RVD” gesture at Anderson, and then turns his back. Anderson grabs the title belt and knocks RVD out with it. He crouches over RVD and yells that it’s his title, and then Murphy and Rob Terry come out applauding and Anderson invites them into the ring. Terry and Murphy elevate Anderson on their shoulders and Hogan comes out to applaud the whole scene. They set Anderson down and he lays both of them out with the Mic Check and then mocks Hogan, who is seething at the top of the ramp. Hogan turn around and repeatedly call Anderson a son of a bitch on his way to the back. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Loved the surprise ending there! Caught me off guard there!))
I for one thought this was a great show very happy to see Daniels back. I just hope he stays after AJ returns. I did not like the Tara/ Mickie hit and run segment and the Winter Angelina crap needs to end. I am curious to know who played Suicide this week I am guessing Kaz.
I thought that it was stupid when Angelina turned on Velvet. Such a dumb ending…….I HATE WINTER!!!