Source: John Benoit of Pro Wrestling Insider
The spoilers below were taken directly from John Benoit at I also read a second set of spoilers from a different source that essentially matched this version. It looks like Mr. Anderson takes on Immortal and Sting begins to fight back against Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff’s meddling. Also, Angelina Love is still under Winter‘s spell returns to action against Bully Ray! Enjoy!
*Jeff Jarrett & Hernandez & Pope Dinero defeated Matt Morgan & Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle when Pope hit Joe with brass knucks.
*Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff bring out Rob Van Dam and try to recruit him to join Immortal. Sting comes out and says Hogan is a liar and the only reason Sting lost is because Mr. Anderson attacked him. He says Rob will beat him at Lockdown over his dead body. RVD walks out. Bischoff tells Sting that the time is ending. He grabs Bischoff and nails him with the Scorpion Death Lock. Sting tells Hogan his time is coming soon.
*Abyss pinned James Storm with the Black Hole Slam. Team Flair came down to celebrate and Abyss kept working on Storm but Fortune hit the ring for the save and the two sides faced off.
*Velvet Sky wants Angelina Love to explain her actions last week. Love, coming out to Winter’s music, attacks Sky and slams her face first into a chair, leaving her laying, then walks off.
*Ken Anderson vs. Immortal Gauntlet. Anderson beats Gunner, then Rob Terry, and finally TV champion Murphy. Bully Ray comes out and they go back and forth. Bully Ray pulled Anderson to the stage to take him out like he did AJ Styles. Hulk Hogan comes out and he wants to do it so Ray says OK. Sting makes the save. Abyss tries to attack him but is laid out with the bat.
angelina s bully ray? wut?