I felt as though 3/3/11 wasn’t able to meet its own hype. The new arena definitely did give TNA a fresher type of energy than being in the Impact Zone week in and week out, and I do feel as though that they should definitely look taking their Impact tapings on the road, and maybe even upgrade to live Impact tapings every once in a while. Even though the show had a fresh new energy, the matches were rather disappointing, as they just weren’t what I thought they were going to be.
Take the two matches with the big men: Rob Terry vs. Scott Steiner and Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez. Terry vs. Steiner could have easily been as interesting of a slam/slug fest as a match between two, generally slower big men could be. I say generally slower because I’m comparing them to Morgan and Hernandez, who both have great agility and athleticism for their size. Instead of making Terry vs. Steiner a squash and Morgan vs. Hernandez a double count out of failure, I would have had Steiner put over Terry in a pretty decent match, maybe even with a clean win, because I think the feud gains nothing with Steiner winning, and I would have at least made the match between Morgan and Hernandez show a bit more of what the both of them could do, giving a taste of what this rivalry could culminate to before bringing it to the double count out via the nasty offensive served up by Hernandez.
The Tag Team Championship Match… really? TNA did nothing to build Gunner and Murphy as a threat to the titles. No backstage brawls. No random interference. They didn’t even dent Beer Money when they were in the ring with them at Against All Odds. Yet somehow, you waste a Tag Team title defense with them, and pretty much squash them, only for Ink Inc. (who I enjoy watching in the ring) to come out and challenge, which is fine, as they have some form of credibility. With Gunner and Murphy’s perceived weakness, you can’t just throw them into the fire like that. I do think that Gunner and Murphy could become a legit tag team, but TNA has to let them build up, see if they can gain some tag team chemistry, and let them go through the ranks.
The match of Sting and Jeff Hardy was lackluster, as Hardy hardly fought back due to being “unprepared.” What a champion. There’s not much I can say about the match except that it could have been better if Hardy (and/or whoever booked this match) decided to actually put on a classic match with Sting (that’s another dream match wasted), but the 3/3/11 video added nothing, being either the spoof of WWE’s 2/21/11 that it was supposed to be, or a cheap attempt for ratings.
At the end of the night, however, the match that upset me the most was Sarita vs. Velvet Sky since it was the resolution to the storyline that I was the most interested in. She had all this frustration over the last month or so between consistent defeats by Sarita’s hands and the presence of Winter and the way Velvet was challenged and frustrated by seemingly everything had me get behind her (no innuendo intended). The entire dynamic was doing everything right… until 3/3/11, where Velvet squashes Sarita and then the Shore shows up. You want to promote the Shore? Fine, I get it, Shore’s going to be here whether I like them or not. That doesn’t excuse how Sarita lost without putting up a challenge, even though she claimed the week before that she was going to screw Velvet over so hard that she wouldn’t be able to stand straight. I definitely would have had Sarita at least attempt a screw job or two before Velvet actually won that match. Then you can do the whole Shore thing.
Overall, 3/3/11 provided a show with great energy, but the matches that went along with it were not as great in my opinion. I really hope that one day, TNA finds a respectable balance between promo and action because TNA has an amazing roster that I feel is being misused, not only in some of the given characters, but in the fact that the wrestlers aren’t getting to do what they do.
Oh, and a few more things:
1) Why does TNA Security get so much TV time? They’ve lost their impact, and could easily be replaced with in ring action.
2) Why does Eric Bischoff think it’s cool to refer to a “network?”
3) Is the TV Title still significant?
TNA impact fayetteville NC did a pyro or not you think matches are disappointing but not bad to the show on the road… This is KMJ i’ve gave the stars of 7.1 out of 10…