Two former Main Event Mafia members have signed deals to appear in this year’s WWE Royal Rumble according to various sources. According to the reports both Kevin Nash and Booker T will be appearing in the annual WWE PPV event.
Booker T has apparently canceled his New Orleans Comic Con appearances and Kevin Nash has been removed from the TNA roster page. Nash has been in on and off again negotiations with TNA for months and it appears it may be off.
Personally i would love to see Booker T back in TNA as I think there was a lot of untapped ground in his last run, so I hope these reports are untrue.
Again these are unconfirmed rumors. We will keep you updated if and when we get official confirmation.
I’ve been following these reports and I’m not sure what to make of them if they’re true. On the one hand, part of me wouldn’t mind seeing a reformation of the original MEM. On the other hand, I’d prefer to see great young talent like Amazing Red, Matt Morgan, London Brawling, Douglas Williams, etc. elevated.
It’ll be interesting to watch this one play out, though.
My hope would be that they sign Sting to one last deal and he leads a group of the younger talent that you mentioned in a new MEM.
I meant to mention in my report that Booker T may very well have canceled so he could fly to Orlando as I believe there is a new set of tapings this Monday.
Just saw a video of Nash at what looks like an airport and his hair is dyed dark brown and he said that he it was for a movie and that he would be watching the rumble on tv just like everyone else but I for one dont believe him. He also said that he had talke to Booker lately and Booker said he was not going to resign with TNA and I do believe that statement. Booker has been in talks to go back to WWE and we all know Nash goes where the money is and that he would like to end his career in WWE. Currently WWE is lacking in older well known wrestlers so to sign both of them makes sense and also slightly screws TNAs MEM return which I am sure Vince likes. I am sure they both will be around alittle while to job out to the younger talent help establish their career.I personally am a huge fan of Nash not so much of Booker T. GI BRO , King Booker, weird accent and the spinaroony kind of soured me on Booker T. I used to think he was great when he was part of Harlem Heat. Anyway to my point I would rather see the new MEM consist of Angle,Steiner (As older experienced wrestlers),Amazing Red (he needs a push ),Crimson( I think he has alot of potential),Matt Morgan ,Samoa Joe and resign Sting as the Leader like Rick Flair with Fortune.
Good feedback, thanks TNAFAN2010.
If/When Nash and Booker return, I guarantee that no WWE fan will be complaining about “old has been’s” taking up TV time. Much like they did when they were in TNA…
Good point, Radiitz. I just watched the video that William posted and TNAFAN2010 is dead on with the dyed hair and dyed goatee. You can always tell when Kevin Nash is getting ready to work for Vince because Vince asks him to dye his hair dark.
Been browsing other forums on this one… have to say this is most likely going happen. The MEM angle has now been partially dented for TNA. With that said, I think ‘they’ will consist of Angle / Steiner / Amazing Red / Crimson / Samoa Joe / Bobby Lashley. But one thing which has really got on my nerves is all the WWE fanboys praising this move from WWE… yet if they would have resigned with TNA they would have claimed them to be washed up has-beens. For all I care WWE can take Nash / Booker… just leave the Stinger alone!
In light of the fact that Kevin Nash and Booker T made their return to WWE at last night’s Royal Rumble, if anyone reads any reports about how WWE is now pushing washed up WCW wrestlers, please let me know!
Here are some tweets from the hypocrite himself, Joey Styles:
“By the way, how awesome did Booker T look? Do you guys realize that he’s 45 years old!”
“OMG! Kevin “Diesel” Nash is HUGE!”
Wasn’t this guy absolutely ripping these two a new one when they were in TNA for being “too old” and “washed up” ?! This is EXACTLY like what I said in my previous comment on this page about how WWE Marks will pop their brains once Nash and Booker show.