The Hardy Boys have taken the dirt sheet gossipers to task for there constant regurgitation of the drug rumors.
Jeff posted the following comments on his Twitter account:
“AllThaTalkAboutLastSunday…. forThoseOfYouThatBelievedThoseWords… F**KYOU!!!!SoWrong…SoWrong!!!!!I’m bustingMyAss2 helpTNA… Period!!”
“Can’t StressEnough… ifYouBelievedThoseWords… F**KYOU!!!!!”
“ThaStoryIsDead… becauseitShouldHaveNeverBeenBorn!!!SoWrong!!!!!”
Matt Hardy then posted the following about the dirt sheet coverage via his Twitter account:
“BTW, The Scumsheets always cover MNM, the show I was on last night. They didn’t today.. Why u ask? Cuz I call them out on their bullsh*t.. The reason why they don’t give me publicity.. Cuz they don’t want my voice 2 be heard-So RT this-”THE DIRTSHEETS FEAR MATT F’N HARDY!” 🙂 RT”
This last comment drew a reaction from dirt sheet writer Dave Scherer, who said the following via his PWInsider post:
“Note from Scherer to brain surgeon Matt: Matt, Monday Night Mayhem sends the recaps of their shows to us scumsheets. They didn’t do it yet. We can’t post what they didn’t send. When they send it, we will post it. We don’t fear you my man. Actually, where I am concerned, I just fear FOR you. Grampy Scherer once told me that “Soup is a food, not a place to sleep”. I don’t know if Grampy Hardy ever told you that but in case he didn’t, it’s something worth learning.”
Scherer you will remember is supposed to be an objective “journalist”. He is a part of the industry that has been supplying these reports about Hardy. Yet here he is throwing insults and dragging the Hardy’s grandparents name into the fray. This reaction alone tells you this is something personal with the sheets and not about reporting facts. As we told our reader’s weeks ago we suspected these reports to be a product of bias, today’s post by Scherer pretty much solidifies this.
Scherer and 90% of PWInsider are very biased towards anything and anyone in TNA. Their like the FOX News of wrestling rumor sites. Personally when it comes to websites that cover all of wrestling, I find to be much more fair.
The objective ‘journalism’ goes both ways. Maybe if you guys weren’t busy enabling drug addicts and felons you’d be objective yourselvs.
Now that’s funny Dave. But just to prove a point. I will ask you to point out one drug addict or felon I have enabled.
In the world of facts you will have to back that up without use of hearsay.
The two problems you will have is your entire opinion is based off of rumors, and number two you will never find any comments by me advocating drug abuse or felonious behavior.
Again in a matter of seconds I’ve deconstructed another anonymous internet swipe. I really wish you had something of substance to say just to make this a legitimate debate, but really all you have is rumors and accusations, your new advocacy claim being the latest.
I hope someday you realize everything you read on the internet isn’t the gospel truth. I would hate for you to go through life thinking Rick Astley is never gonna give you up.
Right…there’s a vast conspiracy by dirt sheet writers to sully the good clean name of Jeff Hardy. He’s not doing drugs.
Those Youtude videos he posted are edited maliciously to make him look intoxicated and the reports of him intoxicated during events just materialized out of nowhere to vilify him.
Additionally, he was set up by the Federal Government to make it look like he was receiving and trafficking massive amounts of prescription pills. The coke residue was also planted by shady police detectives.
And you are over 25 yrs old and unwilling to believe the worst about someone you idolize. No matter how often there’s smoke to the fire….Enough sarcasm for you kido?
I’ve won this debate again without typing a letter. Thank you for the easy victory Dave.
If you will read this site instead of being a dirt sheet apologist you will see we have posted all facts about Hardy. His drug arrest, and his intoxicated message.
No one here as far as I know every claimed he wasn’t intoxicated in that video, or arrested. What we have done is point out all the speculation that has followed that has been spoken as fact by the dirt sheets and the copy and paste sites. And now the parrots like yourself
Now, if we can get back to the facts do you have any at all to back up the dirt sheet rumors? No? Of course not.
Name one person who saw Jeff drugged out before the PPV. You can’t.
The facts we do have is Dave Scherer is name calling at Matt Hardy an obvious sign of bias. His reports hereafter about the Hardy’s can be discounted and tainted.
I will tell you this, if any named sources point to otherwise will publish the news as we always do. Until then we will also keep the pressure on dirt sheets to not publish whatever sensational headline they think will get them pageviews.
Dave feel free to come back here and regurgitate the same rumors you are on a daily basis, but for goodness sakes don’t expect anyone to take you seriously until you have more than a “I know it’s true I read it on the internet!” attitude. The National Enquirer sits in my grocery checkout lane every week. Just because it says Bat-Boy is working for the CIA doesn’t make it so.