According to sever sources on the internet former TNA agent Bill Behrens took a few shots at Jeff Hardy and TNA in a recent podcasts. According to these reports Behrens claims that Jeff Hardy performing impaired is an open secret in TNA. Also according to the reports Behrens supposedly says that Ken Anderson has grounds for a lawsuit against TNA for the concussion he suffered as a result of Jeff Hardy’s chair shot due to TNA’s knowledge of the alleged impairment.
I would like to state that I have not heard the podcast and these accounts are from secondary sources. Behrens has publicly stated his displeasure with TNA since being fired and I would hope he is not piling on with more rumors. If he did indeed make these comments I have to wonder how he knows Hardy was impaired when the chair shot was delivered to Ken’s head? You cannot simply sue someone because there are rumors someone is impaired. Also from all accounts Mr. Anderson has zero animosity towards Jeff which is a good sign these rumors are just that, rumors.
As of this writing there have been zero named sources to back up these claims.
I don’t know what law school you went to, but if many in the company “believe” Jeff is frequently intoxicated while performing and he hurts someone, that is grounds for a civil suit. An easy suit at that, with Hardy’s history. You don’t have to prove within a resonable doubt in civil suits, but even if you did, he still could get the company sued with his reputation.
Well since TNA doesn’t have drug tests you actually need proof beyond “anonymous sources”. Even if Hardy is facing drug charges elsewhere. Anonymous sources claiming Hardy is a danger does nothing and Behrens would have to name them and them take the stand. The fact Ken Anderson is coming back to work with Hardy actually shows us all the proof we need. He would not come back and work with someone who is a danger.
Thanks for your feedback. I never went to law school. Which school did you attend?
I’m afraid you are still dealing in the same internet rumor. You say many in the company “believe” Jeff is frequently intoxicated. Who believes this? Would you stand in front of a judge and say, “Your honor I have read on the internet that many people “believe” this man is frequently intoxicated”? I believe you may get laughed out of the court. While I’ve never attended law school, I have a good idea that it takes more than recycling internet reports for a good lawsuit.
People come on.. Can u not c this guy’s pissed he got the boot..
Everyone knows Hardys past there4 it’s not hard 2 start rumors..
here here mr west! also.. don’t you think he’d be getting tested regularly for court
It’s also worth noting that while many in the mainstream pro wrestling media try to portray Dixie and those running TNA as clueless, the fact is TNA is owned by Panda Energy a billion dollar company with an army of lawyers looking out for the companies interests. They would not let the things that are being rumored to be happening, happen and expose the entire company to that kind of liability. It’s silly to think otherwise.
Georgia State 2008. Yes, if a number of members of the company and people who know him claim that he frequently performs intoxicated (reputation, character witnesses, previous history), and he hurts someone, yes the company and Jeff himself, are liable for injuries sustained on his behalf while possibly intoxicated.
Anymore questions about civil law?
And No, they do not have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was intoxicated when the indecent took place. Prior history, witnesses to his character, and a preponderance of evidence satisfying upwards of 50% probability will win a civil case.
THANK YOU William.. Finally someone that knows the diff-
between fact n fiction.. 2 those that don’t agree
this is just my opinion.. No disrespect..
If it isn’t too late I would consider asking Georgia for a refund. You cannot call internet rumor as a witness.
Can you name anyone who has said that Hardy is performing intoxicated? No of course not, because no one has stated this. You keep repeating the internet rumor as it is fact. You cannot sue based on rumor. I don’t care what the people pretending to be a law school have told you.
So please, please do yourself a favor and try to understand for your own sanity at the very least. There is no one of record making these claims. Until the time that someone does it is just conjecture.
I’m not even talking about beyond a reasonable doubt, just common sense. Not a judge or jury will issue a judgment based on internet reports that people around reported he performed intoxicated.
There has to be real people making real claims Dave. It’s reality.
Amanda, Rich, and Nik thanks for you feedback and understanding the difference between hearsay and fact.
TNA agent Bill Behrens
Bill Behrens is as much of a disgruntled ex employee of TNA as is Jerry Jarrett. In fact, if anyone ever bothered to pay attention to the details instead of being mindless blind marks who take every criticism of TNA as a personal offense, they would see that is a completely full of shit statement. It is ludicrous to call Bill Behrens a disgruntled ex employee and to claim that he himself made up or spread unfounded rumors about Jeff Hardy being allowed to work impaired. Bill Behrens hasn’t worked for TNA since 2005, it is not like he was fired yesterday and has heat with the company. When he was let go from the company, it wasn’t even as if it was a Jim Cornette type of situation with malice. It was a cost saving measure and about TNA wanting to go a different direction than having employees in the office with side projects outside of TNA. Since his release Behrens has been one of the biggest cheerleaders for TNA among people who have a voice in the wrestling business. Primarily because he represents several employees of TNA whom he relies on for a large chunk of his income. It doesn’t even make sense for Behrens to want to sabbotage TNA, because without them his clients would have a harder time getting paid in the wrestling business.
Bill Behrens was dropped by TNA
Best way 4 payback talk sh**?
The TNA bashers are as follows:
IWC Haters
Top WWE Employees
Former TNA Employees
Hmmm…. Its always the same.
Ok I have studied law and whatnot in college so I dunno if someones bg with drugs proves them to be intoxicated at the time of incident… The best defense I have is jbl in wwe. The man beat the blue meany for talking crap to him whie he was drunk and in a royal rumble, I believe. Jbl never got sued and meany was fired. This is a sport were people get injured. They break their bones and some never recover. If kennedu sued he’d probably get laughed at and have 0 respect. I know where I work I get cut and burnt all the time, but I know this! if I did incident reports about it all the time then people would talk crap. And I guess some people don’t understand injuries happen and you live with it 🙂
Amanda and Radiitz thanks for your comments.
Why are you dealing in the same assumptions as Dave? Let’s deal with facts for a change, I know it’s the internet but talking as a rational adult should be possible.
“It doesn’t even make sense for Behrens to want to sabbotage TNA, because without them his clients would have a harder time getting paid in the wrestling business.” I’m afraid you are arguing with yourself if that was directed at me, as I never claimed that Behrens wanted to sabotage TNA. I’m the guy rallying against speculation. You bring up a great pount about him having talent in TNA though, none of which is Jef Hardy. Since you are dealing in conspiracy theory, would it mean more money to his clients if they were in the top spot instead? Who knows, it would be as silly to say that is his motive as it is to say Jeff Hardy is reckless, there is 0 proof.
I stand by the facts as we know them. Which is no one has came out on the record as saying Jeff has wrestled intoxicated. You can keep posting your anonymous rebuttals but really until you present some evidence your just feeding the rumor monkey.
I await more conjecture.
Thanks for the feedback.
Yes Hardy was almost pulled from the m.event RUMORED he was
messed up.. Tna went on record sayin that was not the case..
If Jeff even looks wiped the 1st thing that comes 2 mind is
he’s either drunk – high or both.. I get wiped just thinkin
about all the places wrestlers are set to be.. I a sure u
I’m not high or drunk.. Could he start usin again ofcourse..
As Vince once said “those of u who judge don’t get your body
mangled everytime u go 2 work” I’ve never forgotten that
statement..Hardy is NOT the only one in the back with a history
of drug use.. Yet others are not called out..
Guess I should chime in? lol. If Jeff Hardy was impaired when he hit Anderson, then that’s bad mojo on Jeff’s part but unless he were tested afterwards and failed, you cant prove he was impaired. Whether he was or not, Anderson sucked it up and chalked it up as just something that happens when you’re in a business like wrestling. I’d like to think that TNA wouldn’t let Jeff perform while intoxicated because they know that not only could he hurt himself, but his opponent, and they would be out two top stars.
If memory serves me correctly, did TNA not send Sean Waltman and Scott Hall home a few times because they showed up impaired? Why would Jeff get special treatment? Because he is champion? Nope, they’d just stick another member of Immortal in there rather than have their f’n CHAMPION hurt himself or someone else. When you have a drug history like Jeff, despite how long you’ve been clean and sober, it’s hard to scratch your nose and not have people whispering “he’s a coke head now!”
Dillon, I couldn’t have said it any better:)
I was just readin the TNA news.. It seems Hardy was let go
from the wwe.. Wrong Vince tried 2 get him 2 stay..
He was not only gonna give him more $, he was gonna cut back
on the houseshows.. Vince doesn’t do that 4 just anyone..
This is undertaker dealin’s.. Vince himself said
“I had no idea Jeff had any plans of goin 2 TNA”
I know this from Vince’s own page..And from the wwe
home office..And wwe mag which came out mo’s ago..
As 4 the chair shot I watched it many times, it was no diff-
then anyother chair shots done by all wrestlers..
When Jeff put his arm in the ladder, u can c when he hits it
with the chair.. He does not hit where his arm is, he hits
the other side..All matches-moves are planed a head of time..
The prob is things don’t always go as planed.. always risks..
Well I now know how all the B.S started..
Here it is, from TNA office.. “Jeff had crashed n one of our rooms, he didn’t want 2 go 2 the hotel, n chance over sleepin
n miss call time” Don’t know who it was but someone walked n
saw he was passed out, n u know the rest.. TNA did almost
pull him from the M-Event at the PPV.. 4 that reason only..