– Tara sings her entrance theme with Generation Me pretending to play guitars in the background. Mickie James attacks Tara but Gen Me hold her down so Tara can beat on her. Eric Young makes the save. Mickie then challenges Tara to a steel cage match.
– Backstage Bischoff is furious at AJ Styles for losing the TV Title to Douglas Williams. Rhino comes in and asks about getting a new contract. Eric writes “NO” on a piece of paper and gives it to him and Fortune toss him out of the building.
– Immortal comes out minus Hardy and Hogan. Bischoff calls out Matt Morgan and says nothing will happen to him. Morgan comes out but stays outside the ring. Eric announces Morgan vs Anderson for next week with the winner getting a title shot. Morgan says Anderson is not cleared to wrestle. Eric says he will compete and if he doesn’t he will be fired.
– Backstage Brother Ray is with someone unknown person dressed as Devon. He says anyone can be his partner because he is the heart and soul of Team 3D. He slaps the unknown guy on the chest and he says Oh My Brother Testify”.
(1) “Team 3D” vs Ink Inc. Moore pins “Devon” with a neck breaker.
(2) The Motor City Machine Guns d. Gunner & Murphy on a DQ when Beer Money got involved in the match.
– Backstage Matt Morgan asks Anderson if he is going to wrestle tonight. He says yes and Morgan argues with him about it.
(3) The Beautiful People d. Daffney & Sarita in a tournament match for the vacant Knockouts Tag Team Titles.
– A casket is rolled out to the ring. Pope cuts a promo from inside and vows revenge on Abyss.
(4) Douglas Williams d. Abyss to retain the TV Title. Styles attacked Doug after the match and gave him a Styles Clash on the stage.
(5) Mickie James d. Tara in a steel cage match that was said to be very good.
I was absolutely shocked and was soooo impressed by the womans main event this past week. Arguably one of the biggest womans matches in TNA history. First i was thinking Tara and Mickies rivalry is really good but having it main evented was a bit desperate by TNA, but these ladies shut me up. I wouldnt expect WWE to have a better womans match than that ever. Bravo Ladies you have truly made history
We don’t have rasslin’ matches over at WWE….. my daughter Stephanie coud have pinned both those fatties with both hands tied behind her back….would you believe one hand?
The main event was a great match and even more so knowing Tara was injured. The finish was awesome and was executed perfectly.