According to various interweb sources TNA head Dixie Carter is filming a series of vignettes for upcoming episodes of iMPACT! on SpikeTV. In the segments Dixie Carter is apparently threatening Hulk hogan and Eric Bischoff with legal action to regain control of TNA. The first segment is said to air during the Thanksgiving night episode of the show.
As always we like to clearly label rumors. This rumor is backed by some of the more reliable sources so I give this a better than average chance of actually occurring.
If this rumor is indeed true I look for them to go with a shared “power” storyline. If any lessons can be learned from the old WCW/nWo storyline it is that letting the “bad guys” have total control gets old after a short while.
i have had about enough of hulk hogan and eric bischoff.
i really thought i would enjoy tna with these two in charge
of tna wrestling, after 8-9 months i have gotten bored and have been watching wwe for nexus whom do suck and now john cena has been fired! i really want dixie carter back in charge and jeff jarett to quit being such a new found hot-head and get back to the founding plan from where tna has strayed from. no more hogan,bischoff regime, bring back kevin nash and sting! i want my old tna back! or by next year i will bolt right back to the wwe and stay there! tna is the flagship of spike save 1000 ways to die.short of these two programs i don’t watch spike tv very much. also bring back jessica “ODB” dalton,daffney(lucy grimes),and lacy von eric. whatever happen to chris “abyss” park
father james mitchell(ever since abyss beat him senseless a few years ago, abyss seems hollow with his father. weather it be the occult worship or not) since then tna has not been the same yet completely interesting. eqach week i wait to see the line up on my cable system synopsis and decide then, i am barely staying around and only because comedy central thursday night line up is repeats from the night before and retro-reruns of their classic programming. tna is lucky right now i am even loyal still and only because i am still angry at wwe’s chairman over his consistant bad attitude and egotrips. tna if you want me, a life life wrestling fan to maintain my loyalty please take my letter in consideration and please don’t disappoint me. because i am so iching to support via dvd purchases W.E.W whom ARE more hardcore than YOU. thank you chris cox
correction in my letter i meant to say “abyss seems hollow WITHOUT his father”. thank you chris cox