A variety of sources, most notable the Pro Wrestling Torch, are reporting that after DVR viewership is added to the Thursday, November 11, 2010 episode of iMPACT! on Spike TV, there is an approximately 170,000 jump in total viewership. You may recall that this has been the trend for iMPACT! over the last few weeks.
We reported on Monday that final cable rating for last Thursday’s episode of iMPACT! was a 1.16. This final cable rating represented a total viewership of about 1,630,000. After adding the DVR+3 numbers (i.e. the number of folks that watched iMPACT! on their DVRs within three days of its original airing), the final viewership for last Thursday’s episode of iMPACT! is now 1,800,000.
If those 170,000 additional viewers were watching last Thursday night, iMPACT! might have scored a final cable rating of 1.28. However, that assumes a variety of factors that are extremely unlikely to have taken place. In other words, the stars would have had to align nearly perfectly in order for the show to have received this rating and thus the 1.28 number is nothing more than speculation for those of us who like to play on the internet. Enjoy! 🙂
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