The interweb wrestling dirt sheets are once again reporting TNA Wrestling’s finances are “tighter than ever”. The stories making rounds today claim an “insider” says Dixie Carter’s Janice has to sign off on all new expenses due to the tightened budget.
This should be considered good news for TNA Wrestling fans as the track record of these recurring “TNA is losing money” themed news items is laughable. The last three times we read TNA was out of money stars such as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson, and Mickie James were signed shortly after. Maybe we will be lucky and the money is so tight that The Rock and Steve Austin will ink deals.
I’m not sure anyone pays attention to these false news stories anymore. The only people that seem to enjoy them are WWE vs. TNA fans, the vast majority of fandom sees them for what they are, tabloid journalists.
Here here.
Another doomsday proclamation for TNA Wrestling from the same old group of bitter and, at this point, downright weird tabloid journalists.
Last I checked, TNA Wrestling is owned by its parent company, Panda Energy. Not that they are some multimillion dollar company that does a lot of nuclear stuff and things like that, oh no. Its not like that at all…
Also, isn’t TNA a privately held company, that does not release financial information? Just saying, haters of the interwebs.
You are correct on both accounts. The haters are going to keep hating. Whatever, they’re dummies.
You really have to wonder what thought process if any these dirt sheets use when posting their stories. Are we to really believe Dixie Carter tells the employees the financials of the company?
what did you do when you brought hogan and bischoff in? you guys suck the airways up.
“Oh noes!! TNA is so poor now that their having to buy their office paper from Dunder Mifflin, Abyss now sleeps under the ring, and catering is now provided by McDonalds Dollar Menu!!”
Now that my Glenn Beck-Doom & Gloom schtick is over with, no doubt signing some stars will be hard on the wallet, but I highly doubt Dixie/Jeff would endanger the entire company and it’s employees with financial ruin to sign a single star who cannot wrestle or travel (much) like Hogan. I’d like to think they’ve learned from WCW’s past that hiring a big name really means squat. It’s what you do with them. If TNA were so spend-crazy then they would have brought in Lesnar and Goldberg years ago like rumored.
Chris Jericho even mentioned how tight they are with their money before he made his return to wrestling years ago, saying in an interview that before jumping back into the WWE, he had talks with TNA but that they didn’t exactly “break the bank” to get him. Everyone in TNA badly wanted Jim Ross a few months ago but never got him. Nice to know TNA knows how much to bid on a name and doesn’t go too crazy in trying to afford them.