Source: Facebook
Just a quick note about TNA Wrestling’s Facebook fan page… You might remember earlier this month when TNA Wrestling hit a new milestone in terms of followers on Facebook. If not, then you can click here to read back to October 5, 2010 when the promotion surpassed 300,000 fans.
Well, yesterday TNA Wrestling surpassed 350,000 fans on its Facebook page. Sure, it’s still a far cry from the over 1,500,000 fans that WWE has on its Facebook page, but it’s a major accomplishment. For comparison’s sake, Ring of Honor – often cited as an additional alternative to WWE and TNA Wrestling programming – has a little under 35,000 fans on the popular social networking website.
Does this mean that more people like TNA Wrestling than only just a few weeks ago? Maybe. However, breaking 350,000 fans on Facebook certainly means that more people are aware of the promotion than just a mere three weeks ago. Not bad…
dear.kurt angle. i watch t.n.a. wreatling i will come to see you soon . because i love you is a friend i see what your ex-wife doing to you we will get then back you will see me soon . kurt angle i love you i will be your new women wait and see . you can email back to at kurt angle i will see you soon. thank you.
dear.kurt angle.i think about you so much we can because togather i like to see you soon i love you can i be your new women i will not cash on you plasese email back at [E-MAIL REMOVED BY EDITOR] i will wait on you kurt angle i like to kiss you i love you kurt angle .i will white you on friday on saturday kurt angle i love you . good bye. from gloria.
we can i see you i will wait on you because i love you i will come t.a.n. wrestling to see you and person kurt anugle i love you .o.k. thank you.