TMZ is reporting that JWoww went a bit overboard during her interaction with Cookie on last week’s episode of iMPACT! You can read the full TMZ report below, but this story sort of smells like it’s either a plant by TNA Wrestling or that TMZ isn’t exactly able to differentiate between “wrestling real” and real world real. In any event, read on and see if this makes sense to you.
Jwoww went beyond the call of duty during the taping of her wrestling match last Monday — in fact, her Snook-alike opponent claims the “Jersey Shore” star’s head-slamming stunt went a little overboard.
Cookie, Jwoww’s opponent tells TMZ, “I really think that girl needs to look into some counseling. Her anger issues are obviously out of control.”
She adds, “Then again if my face looked like that, I’d be pretty pissed at the world too.”
According to sources close to the lady wrestler, TNA medical personnel gave her a serious head-check after the beating she took … but thankfully she was fine.
It sounds like TMZ is getting worked a little.