Missed Sunday’s TNA “Victory Road” Pay-Per-View event? Catc the replay all month long on your PPV provider! TNA’s PPV events air on Time Warner Cable, Comcast, Charter Cable, Cablevision, AT&T U-Verse, Verizon FIOS, DIRECTV, Dish Network, Viewer’s Choice and more.
– Ultimate X Match: Douglas Williams retained the X Division Championship over Kendrick. It was a back-and-forth bout, with both superstars focusing on getting the submission win, especially Kendrick. At one point when both superstars were hanging from the cables and fell, Kendrick came down awkwardly and hurt himself. This allowed Williams to put Kendrick in the Cobra Clutch, and Kendrick was unable to answer the referee. After the bout, TNA officials had to use smelling salts on Kendrick.
– Brother Ray defeated Jesse Neal and Brother Devon – prior to the bout, someone (presumably Brother Ray) locked Brother Devon in his locker room. It was a brawl between Ray and Jesse. Raven, Richards, Rhino and Tommy Dreamer came out during the bout to watch. When Ray tried to bring a chair in, Shannon Moore came out to try to help, but the referee stopped him, allowing Ray to crack Jesse with it. However, Devon eventually escaped and hit the ring and traded punches with his longtime partner. However, Jesse hit his tackle on Devon, allowing Ray the opening to get the pin and the win on Jesse. After the bout, Ray left on his own leaving Devon and Jesse in the ring.
– Knockouts Title Match: Angelina Love defeated Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne by DQ when a mysterious figure attacked Love AND the referee during the bout, resulting in Love becoming the NEW Knockouts Champion! After Love was awarded the gold, Rayne got on the motorcycle with the mystery person and rode out of the arena.Love is now the first-ever four time Knockouts Champion!
– AJ Styles and Kazarian defeated TNA Global Champion Rob Terry and Samoa Joe – AJ and Kazarian realized they had to work together in order to win and get entry into Ric Flair’s “Fortune” alliance. They had the advantage for much of the bout until Samoa Joe hit a devastating urinagi on Styles, allowing Rob Terry to tag in. The Global Champion annihilated Styles and Kazarian with power moves. Samoa Joe set up Kazarian for the muscle Buster, but Desmond Wolfe came out to hold Joe’s leg and block the move. With Joe distracted, AJ and Kazarian hit a flying elbow, flying legdrop and a 450 splash on Terry to get the pin and the win! After the bout, Wolfe came into the celebrate with AJ and Kazarian, but they left the ring – allowing Samoa Joe to get his revenge on Wolfe by hitting the muscle Buster!
– Steel Cage Match: Hernandez defeated “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan – Morgan had the chance to escape several times, but chose to continue to beat on Hernandez. Hernandez came back and tried to hit his Border Toss on Morgan, but was unsuccessful. Hernandez then went all-in and attempted a high-risk jump off the top of the cage on his nemesis, but missed. Morgan then handcuffed Hernandez to the cage and tried to climb over. However, Hernandez broke free and jumped through the ropes and through the cage door to beat Morgan to the outside for the win!
– In the greatest Jay Lethal defeated “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair by making Flair tap out to his own Figure Four leglock! Flair went in extremely cocky and went to work on hurting Lethal’s leg. However, Lethal refused to give up when Flair locked it in. Later, Lethal managed to lock Flair in his own move, and this time “The Nature Boy” tapped out in a historic moment! After the bout, Lethal grabbed the mic and told the world the win was dedicated to his mother.
– Tag Team Title: The Motor City Machineguns defeated Beer Money to claim their first TNA World Tag Team Championship reign! Late in the bout, referee Brian Hebner was blinded by James Storm spitting beer, resulting in his father Earl Hebner coming in to help. Later, both referees registered a double-pin, resulting on a controversial ending. However, Earl Hebner restarted the bout – allowing the Machineguns to regain control and get the pin on James Storm after a top rope double-team move to claim the gold!
– #10 Contender Kurt Angle defeated #8 contender, The Pope – both superstars showed respect towards each other throughout the bout. Late in the bout, Angle hit the Angle Slam and locked on the Ankle Lock. Pope tried to reverse it, but Angle latched it back in and forced Dinero to tap out! Great match and very physical. After the bout, Angle helped Dinero to his feet and the two superstars briefly hugged before the Olympian left to celebrate.
– TNA World Title: Rob Van Dam successfully defend the gold against Jeff Hardy, Abyss and Mr. Anderson. Early on, all four superstars had pinfalls, but were all broken up by each other. Late in the bout, Hardy and Anderson started to go at it. Hardy managed to hit his swanton finisher on Anderson, but Abyss came into the ring and chokeslammed Hardy on top of Anderson! Then, Rob Van Dam jumped on the top rope and hit the Frog Splash on top of Abyss, pinning the pile of superstars to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title! After the bout, Abyss attacked RVD and brought in his 2-x4 with the nails, but RVD quickly escaped and left the ring to celebrate as the Pay-Per-View went off the air!