Source Wrestling Observer
Vince McMahon has reportedly banned Ric flair style chops in the WWE. The feeling amongst the higher ups in the WWE is it does nothing but remind people of Ric Flair as the crowd always reacts with the trademark, “Wooooo!”. This may seem petty to some but it is a business decision, they do not want there fans reminded of a competitors star. The downside is that chops have been a staple of the wrestling industry for decades.
It seems to me if the WWE wants the fans to forget Flair they need to work on getting some characters that are more memorable than the legend. Of course I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
LOL! I thought WWE were not intimidated by TNA anyway? Ah well. I agree with what you said in that last part to. I can’t imagine something like Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston for the WH Title in like 5 years time, and TNA will be having guys like Pope, Anderson, Styles, Joe and more that actually have characters and don’t look like they were just picked up from the Indies and given a stupid name like “Daniel Blake” or “Kent Blade” or “Wayne Carter”. Those I just made up, but it seems to me as if WWE is calling their wrestlers now with normal names. Whatever happened to names that stood out like “The Rock” or “Stone Cold” or “Triple H” or “The Undertaker”?. You know? Names that don’t sound real? At least TNA isn’t going in that direction. “The Pope” “Mr. Anderson” “AJ Styles” “Abyss” FTW!