Sources: Wrestling Observer, Twitter, Monday Night Mayhem
Former WWE Tag Team Champion Jon Heidenreich was reportedly backstage at Slammiversary. He was apparently inquiring about possibly working for TNA. There is no word at this time on TNA’s reaction to his inquiry.
Former WWE Women’s Champion and WWE Diva Stacy “The Cat” Carter as well as former WWE/TNA superstar Nick “Kizarny” Cvjetkovich were the special guests on this week’s live edition of Monday Night Mayhem:
The couple’s thoughts about the current TNA television product:
Nick,”I think having Hogan there is the biggest feather in TNA’s cap so far. Sure there are younger wrestlers there that can do high spots that maybe Hogan can’t do, but Hogan’s Hogan really. Him vs. Roddy Piper back in the day kicking off WrestleMania is probably the main reason why most wrestlers becomes wrestlers, and for him to go to TNA, and have some of the old-school guys with some of the new school guys, and blend that all in, I think it’s a good idea. I hope TNA doesn’t turn into WCW, but I think TNA has all the potential in the world to go for the stars. The talent pool is completely comparable to WWE, and I think every ying needs their yang, and I think Vince needs Dixie, as TNA needs WWE, as much as WWE needs TNA. You need competition.”
Rumors about Stacey & Nick going to TNA:
Stacy, “I would not be opposed to it if given the opportunity, I would take it. I would much rather be there than the WWE. No secret about that what so ever. I think Nick would do very well in TNA, and I think that’s where he needs to go.
Nick, “I got to play around a little bit with ‘The Hulkster’ when he was doing an A&E special, and he seemed to like the way I moved, and Bischoff seemed to be a big freak show fan. If I get the chance to put one of those TNA turkeys under my knife and do a lot of crazy weird sideshow stuff that no one has ever seen before in pro wrestling, I would sure like to do it in a TNA ring if given the opportunity. Jeff Hardy…look out!”
And finally former WWE tag team champion Kenn Doane had the following to say on his Twitter account, “tna scouting for talent….. um…… im right here.” In March Kenn had a tryout but was not picked up. Apparently he hasn’t given up hope.
Who is nick. Can someone tell me?
Nick is formerly “Kizarny” from WWE. He was on the roster for just a few weeks before being fired