Source: Various
Kevin Eck from the Baltimore Sun: “Triple H retained the WWE title in a match that was fine by normal pay-per-view standards, but for a WrestleMania main event that had such an intense build, it fell a little flat for me.
While the referee was down, Triple H took out Orton with a sledgehammer. He then hit a Pedigree, the ref recovered and Triple H got the win after approximately 24 minutes.
I’m disappointed WWE didn’t think outside the box here and put Orton over rather than having the traditional babyface pyro moment to close the show.
Still a good show overall. The announced attendance was 72,744. The live gate was $6.9 million, making it the highest-grossing live gate in company history, according to a WWE representative.”
NewsDay: “Ugh.
Triple H just beat Randy Orton in what was probably the worst “real” match of the show. Triple H worked his typical match, never taking it out of second gear. It was slow, poldding and predictable, with the kind of big spots that might be suitable for Backlash or Judgment Day but fall way short for the main event of WrestleMania 25.
The fans who stuck around for this match were pretty dead. They can’t blame it on having to follow Taker vs. Michaels, because Cena, Show and Edge kept the crowd for their match.
It was a flat final match, but not bad enough to spoil an otherwise very good WrestleMania. ” A New Jersey View on the Issues! Come see ›››
this match made me want a refund.. it reminds me why i dont watcHHH wrestlHHHing muccHHHH anymore…. get it??