Full Credit: F4WOnline.com
Smackdown! (2/13)
By Sean Geraghty ( tehsupasonic@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it )
Before the opening titles start rolling, we’re reminded that Jeff Hardy is returning after the HEINOUS attack by his Brother Matt, yay!
This weeks show opens with your WWE Champion and mine, Edge coming to the ring with Vickie. Edge is his usual great self here as he moans about all the hardships he has to face as Champion, such as the Eliminaion Chamber, injuring his neck as a result of an Undertaker tombstone piledriver and getting his face punched in by the Big Show. But lucky for him, he was, “THE HOTTEST CHICK IN THE GAME, WEARIN’ MY CHAIN!” by his side. Who takes the mic off her doting Husband to tell us all that Edge will still be competing in the Chamber, but not tonight. She of course gets the most heat of anyone on the show, but they’re soon put in their place by the tandem offense of the Edges, “EXCUSE ME!” “EXCUSE HER!” I love this couple.
This prompts the Big Show to come out, who is doing this whole wacky sarcastic shtick with Edge, which is REALLY unfunny, they exchange jibes back and forth. Show promises Edge that he won’t leave No Way Out as Champion, but Edge and Vickie get the last laugh as Vickie announces that tonight’s Main Event will be a Fatal Four Way between Elimination Chamber competitors, Big Show, Triple H, The Undertaker and Alex Koslov!
Chavo Guerrero vs. Montel Vontavious Porter
A solid match TV match, nothing offensive, but nothing special either. MVP with the striking offence early but Chavo soon takes control with a dive to the outside and starts to work over MVP’s arm and gets the heat, gets an MVP chant, which Tazz noted he’d never heard before, but JR decided to kill this and say “Maybe they’re not chanting for MVP, maybe they’re just chanting against Chavo” Yup, that’s how ya get a guy over! Anyway, MVP regains control with a shoulder tackle and sets up for the finish as he hits the big boot in the corner, and just as he goes for the Drive-By, US Champion, Shelton Benjamin interferes and takes out MVP with the Paydirt. A short match with MVP getting the DQ win, but Chavito takes advantage of the laid out MVP and hits him with a Frog Splash as Shelton leaves the ring and proclaims that he will be US Champ. WWE trying to add a bit of SPICE to the US Title Division it seems.
Next, we’re treated to a SLEW of video packages and promos.
First up it’s a Wrestlemania 13 video package. Highlighting the start of the Rock’s rise to stardom, the AWESOME Bret v Austin match, which helped push Austin over the top and The Undertaker vs. Sid WWF Championship match Main Event, which leads to….
An Undertaker promo backstage, hyping tonight’s match, calling it a prelude to Sunday, where he will have an ally, the Chamber, and for that reason, when the six men enter, five of them shall REST. IN. PEACE.
Then, in the ultimate example of contrast, we’re treated to a segment involving the Bella Twins and the Colon brothers. The Bellas have recieved flowers for Valentine’s Day, which they assume are from Carlito and Primo, but no, the inconsiderate dolts didn’t do this, instead, it the flowers were courtesy of those thoughtful lads, The Miz & John Morrison. This does not sit well with the Brothers Colon, but Bella A has the idea to add a stipulation to their match later tonight. The Winners shall win a DATE with the Bella Twins! What classy girls.
The Miz & John Morrison vs. Carlito & Primo Colon
This was a very fun match, I’m glad we’ll be getting at least a mini program between these two teams. All even stevens at the start, including a really fun exchange of pin attempts between Primo and Morrison which Primo gets the best of with a slap and a nice headlock takeover, Colons maintain control until Morrison and Miz eject Carlito by pulling down the ropes as he hits them, sending him tumbling to the outside, and gain control of the match, cutting Carlito off from his brother. He tries to fight back, but to no avail, until he hits a spinebuster and makes his way to the corner, tagging in Primo who goes to town on the heels, with his fun, high flying offense. The match breaks down as Carlito is shoved out of the ring, distracting the ref who doesn’t notice the Miz tpushing Primo off the top turnbuckle, leading to Morrison hitting the Moonlight drive for the win. Miz & Morrison get the girls! The Twins are not happy, but that’s their own fault, it was THEIR stipulation! Like I said this was a fun match and I’d really like to see these two teams get some proper time to see what they can really come up with.
We see Jeff arriving backstage in his swish car, being welcomed back by, among others, R-Truth, Jimmy Wang Yang and THE GREAT KHALI!
Next it’s a video package of Matt’s turn on Jeff (Why oh why is this not Christian??) This was a good video though, showing clips of their history together.
Jeff comes to the ring to a big pop. Let’s hope his promo gets music like Matt’s did. YES! MUSIC!! And clips in the background! AWESOME! I hope they do more promos like this. Jeff reminisces about the Rumble, how it used to be a fun time for he and his brother, but now it only reminds him of BETRAYAL! Jeff says that despite what Matt has done, he’s moving on, he’s not going to fight his brother, why? Because he’s on a quest, to get his belt back! WHETHER MATT LIKES IT OR NOT!
Ezekiel (w/ Kendrick) vs. R-Truth
This is a GRUDGE MATCH! Ezekiel wants to avenge a loss Kendrick suffered to Truth a month ago, and Truth wants to get revenge for Ezekial attacking him, after said match. Feud of the year right here. R-Truth uses his speed to keep Jackson at bay, but eventually Jackson catches him and uses his BRUTE FORCE to get the heat, he’s like a mini Bob Sapp, this guy. Ezekial controls much of the match with power moves and holds, but as he goes for the Uranage, Truth reverses it into a rolling cradle for the win, much to the frustration of Sapp Jr. and his little buddy, THE Brian Kendrick. JR tells us that Truth’s smile reminds him of the Junkyard Dog. I see. This match was very short and Ezekiel didn’t look bad and R-Truth is always exciting, so you can’t really complain.
Backstage, Eve is interviewing Maria. Maria says she’s going to show Michelle that she has the heart and the passion to HOPEFULLY be victorious, with such confidence, how can she lose???
Another hype video for Wrestlemania, this time it’s the big ‘un, Wrestlemania III! Video recapped all the celebrities involved, including ALICE COOPER, the amazing Savage vs. Steamboat match for the Intercontinental Championship and a quasi-historic on Hogan vs. Andre. Granted, the match wasn’t great technically, but WWE really has done a great job in making it seem like the biggest and greatest match of all time over the years.
Michelle McCool vs. Maria
Before the match, we are treated to a recap of Michelle v Eve from last week, which Michelle won with the newly branded, MAD T(Make a Diva Tap). The match starts with Maria mounting some brief offense but Michelle soon takes over and works over Maria’s leg, kicking it and hitting it off the ring steps. Michelle continue to work the leg for much of the match but Maria regains momentum with a very nice flash roll up and a few other highspots. Her momentum doesn’t last long, as she ends up in the corner with Michelle rolling down her kneepad, supposedly to bust up Maria’s face, but we never found out, as Eve ran down to the ring and distracted McCool which lead to Maria winning the match with a roll up. This was alright for a women’s match, I mean, it’s not Natalya against Beth Phoenix or anything, but it was certainly better than last weeks offering, I thought.
After this, it’s Grisham interviewing Triple H backstage. Triple H does a shill for his new t-shirt, followed by a terrible joke, as per usual. He then asks Todd to read his t-shirt, it says Destroyer in latin on the back apparently, which is what Trips will be in the Chamber, THE DESTROYER, as he’s been in the most Chambers (six for anyone counting) and he’s grown to like the Chamber and the pain it brings, while the others are scared of it.
RAW Rebound time, recapping the EPIC Shane/Orton feud, which I just can’t WAIT to see the blow off of, Undertaker was in there also, but really who’d care about Orton wrestling an actual WRESTLER!
Tazz and JR run down the No Way Out card for us. The difference between the star power in both Chamber matches is unbelievable! And it’s the RAW one that’s getting pushed in the ads! Crazy.
Triple H vs. The Big Show vs. The Undertaker vs. Vladimir Koslov
The match broke down to Koslov vs. Taker and HHH vs. Show early on, until Taker tosses Koslov outside Trips and Taker knock Show out. Taker and HHH go out it, exchanging blows, this was quite a great exchange with Trips hitting a spinebuster and Taker sitting up after it, really got the crowd and myself in to it. Felt like the true stars of the match getting down to it. Show then broke up the fun and we go to commercial, when we return we see Taker hitting the steps HARD at the hands of Koslov. The heels of the match take control and double team HHH while Taker is on the outside. Once Triple H is taken care of, Show turns on Koslov and chokeslams him but Koslov kicks out and Taker returns to the ring to take control of the match, laying out Show with a DDT, but Koslov breaks up the pin. Koslov beats on Taker, but Taker locks on the Hellsgate, but Show breaks THAT up and then HE gets put in the Hellsgate after trying to chokeslam Taker, but Triple H makes the save and sends Koslov to the outside. Triple H gains control of Show, but is reversed when he attempts a Pedigree as Show hoists Trips up, but Taker kicks them both down. Koslov runs Show in to the post on the outside and starts to control Taker and Trips in the ring, it didn’t last long though as Show comes in to take control of the match. Koslov reenters the mix only to be hit with a Pedigree at the hands of Triple H, who in turn gets tombstoned by Taker, who then gets Chokeslammed by Show, who THEN gets headbutted by Koslov right?? WRONG!! Edge runs in and spears The Big Show, ending the match in a No Contest, leaving all the participants writhing in pain, with the WWE Champion, Edge, standing defiantly over them. Good match, the three stars carried the match and Koslov didn’t have to do much, so he didn’t really have a chance to stink up the joint, there was some really fun moments and it had an enjoyable finish with all the guys hitting their finishers. Edge standing over his challengers is usually a sign that he’s not retaining by WWE Booking History, but let’s hope that’s not the case, and he remains yours and my WWE Champion.
And that’s the show ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. This was my first TV report so if you’ve any comments and criticisms can be e-mailed to me at tehsupasonic@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , I’d really appreciate the feedback, because I have to learn some how!
i dont like bella twins idea that it was a mistake putting them in jeoperdize with there dates with the colon brothers carlito and primo and the two scumpbags the miz and jhon morrison so bella twins i dont know if carlito and primo will forgive you or not