While WWE is promoting the heck out of Mr. Kennedy’s DVD movie right now on television, we hear this will be nothing compared with the promotional push they’re planning on giving to John Cena and his next movie in theaters — 12 Rounds.
The movie is very close to Cena’s first movie project, as he portrays a police offer who’s trying to save his girlfriend. Several websites are comparing the style of the movie as close to that of Matt Damon’s “Bourne” series. (I assure you the quality of acting or the script won’t be anywhere close to that!)
The movie will come out the weekend of WrestleMania, hitting theaters near you on March 27th and it will be the fifth WWE movie on the big screen, if you count The Rundown as a WWE film as well thanks to Vince McMahon’s name appearing on the list of producers. The promotional poster for 12 Rounds has been released and is featured below, courtesy of sfluxe.com:
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