Big Phil’s Rambling’s- One Night Stand Predictions
Well, I’m back. I had to take a slight leave of absence during my exams, but they’re over now, and I’ve finished school for a good few months now until college. I think before I start this, I’d like to send out a thanks to Justin, the webmaster over at Xheadlines. He kinda reawakened the want to write a column in me, because I was so burned out with exams and everything. With the group column, and the awesome little write up he gave me, he reminded me how cool it is to have my name up there, and people reading my thoughts. So thanks man, if you read this.
And, before I get straight back into the swing of things, I just want to go into things slightly that has happened recently.
First of all, I met Randy Orton, the day of the Liverpool House Show. He was nowhere near as horrible as many people have said, the only thing was he looked extremely tired, which is very understandable, as they had only just arrived in the UK the day before. The house show itself was very enjoyable, but I’m slightly disappointed with the lack of Kennedy, Cena and so on. The matches themselves weren’t bad, and Triple H verbally smacking down Snitsky was hilarious.
Anyway, I thought I’d ease myself back into writing with a nice, simple One Night Stand prediction column of my own, because I didn’t really develop much on my thoughts in the group column over on xheadlines.
So, with the little introduction bit done, we enter my predictions.
WWE Title Match
Triple H vs. Randy Orton- Last Man Standing
Winner: Triple H
Reason: There is no way on earth that Orton is walking out with this one. Triple H did the J-O-B at No Mercy, so he isn’t gonna drop this one as well. I’m expecting a decent match, hopefully on a par with Triple H’s street fight with Umaga at ONS last year.
Edge vs. Undertaker- Tables
Oh My!
The Winner: The Undertaker
The Reason: Yeah, I’ve changed my mind since the Xheadlines column. I was thinking Undertaker would lose and go to Raw, but now with the announcement of the draft, I can’t see that happening. Therefore, Taker wins. I don’t think this is going to be that good myself though, I’m praying to be surprised.
John Cena vs. JBL- First Blood Match
Winner: Cena- Not that I care.
Reason- he’s SuperCena! Woop-de-doo. Toilet break match.
HBK vs. Batista– Stretcher Match
Winner: Undecided
Reason: Batista was my first choice, due to him dropping it at Backlash, but with what happened on Raw with Jericho, I’m sensing Jericho interference. One of these three is definitely moving brands in the Draft, that is promise. Speaking of the Draft, predictions/ what I would like is coming in the next few weeks.
Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga- Falls Count Anywhere
Winner: Jeff Hardy
Reason: This may just be match of the night. The whole point of this being Falls Count Anywhere is to prove that Jeff his still his crazy, death defying self. I’m predicting a SICK Swanton from the top of the set, or some other ridiculously high place.
Singapore Cane Match
Winner: Morrison
Reason: It’s a tough one, but I’m just getting the feeling he’ll splitting up with Miz soon. It’s being teased more and more. I’d love to see him win, he’s already proved he and Kane can have a decent match.
Melina vs. Beth Phoenix- I Quit Match
Winner- Melina
Reason- It just feels right, I have a feeling this is going to be an amazing match actually. It’s going to surprise a lot of people.
All in all I think this is going to be damn good PPV.
Next column will be a review of a TNA House Show I’m going to on June 12, so that’ll be posted the day after hopefully. I have a backstage pass, so I’ll write about who’s cool to the fans, who isn’t stuff like that.
Then, in a few weeks, I’ll have a group column up, featuring the collective thoughts of the staff of my site, (link below.) The topic for the column is yet to be decided.
If you would like to write for my site, please mail me at
Any feedback what so ever, please email me at the same address. If you want to wish me happy birthday for last Tuesday, the same applies.
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Hey, Phil! I offer my sincerest gratitude for those kind remarks. People like you really help make people like me realize that all of the work is worth it in the end. It’s been a pleasure working with you and I hope to continue the relationship for a very long time!