Big Phil’s Ramblings- Two For The Price Of One
It’s that time of the month. I become moody, stressed out and impossible to talk to. I hide myself in my room and won’t come out. I go to school and won’t talk to anyone, preferring to stay alone. I mean, it happens to everyone right. No? Just us columnists? Oh. Well, I’d best elaborate before you all think I’m female. It’s PPV time. Which means there’s a double length column to do. Which means all sense of a social life goes out the window, and I’m stuck behind my TV when I’m not stuck behind a desk in school. Well, this will be the place to introduce myself to my new readers on, and! To all those faithful readers still on, do not worry, I won’t be leaving you, but I’m branching out to these websites too. Not bad after just 3 weeks of writing. Go Me!
So, No Way Out has been and gone, and not much has changed. The Road To WrestleMania is now a straight one, with no more bumps on the way, just a few weeks of programming. So, Almighty Big Phil, what did you think of No Way Out? I hear you cry. Well, dear reader, here goes. It was one HELL of a PPV! Compared to how much I hated last year’s travesty of an excuse for a PPV. Which was good, but boring to me personally. But this was. WOW. Two Elimination Chambers. But which was better? I so want to say SmackDown,but the ridiculous bell to bell booking of Batista and Undertaker just annoyed me. I would have had these two come in as the last two, and just tear it up. I’d have no-body eliminated until they came in, and then it would just be hell until it was just these two old foes go at it, reasonably fresh for at LEAST 10 minutes. The finish was spectacular though. Not what I was predicting/ wanting to happen, but still amazing.
The rest of the night was obvious and not amazing, although the Big Show segment was brilliant, I did mark out slightly, just because I wasn’t sure if they would bring him back as a heel or baby face. Guess he soon answered my question. My thoughts go out to Rey though, it must be so hard for him missing two Mania’s in a row, the pain of the injury notwithstanding of course. Hopefully he’ll get better soon.
But, onto my favourite match of the night, the Raw elimination chamber. 5 Star Classic isn’t even in it. That bulldozer into the glass was sick, but not as sick as the Swanton from the pod. I KNEW he was going to do that, but it didn’t stop me popping for it. I really wish that HHH didn’t have to eliminate HBK, surely someone else could have? I mean, yeah, I understand he’s turning heel soon, but surely they don’t need it JUST yet, especially not against my HBK. But ladies and gentlemen. My prediction is right, and I have evidence. Jeff WILL be champ this year. Why? Because NOBODY, NOBODY kicks out of the Pedigree unless they are in line for a MAJOR push. He is definitely winning money in the bank this year. Greta speedy ending for this match. All in all a great PPV, but to be honest, I’m very tired, and want to write more about Raw.
So, here we go with Raw. It was just, ok. Triple H opens the show, and he has a VERY good point about deserving to headline this year’s Mania, he missed lat year, and nobody can deny he’s a main event player. I can see some very good promos from The Game on the way to WrestleMania. It’s good to see him in the ref role, it actually makes perfect sense. I’m not sure who will win at Mania to be honest, I’m half expecting Cena to pull it out the bag, but the HHH mark inside me makes me want to scream for him to win. Make no bones about it, no matter how much I love DX, the smart fan inside, who I only let out every so often, normally the mark is in charge of my fandom, but I let my smart fan out sometimes, and he wants to see HHH and HBK feud over that WWE title, a good long feud. With SEVERAL, 3 to 4 minimum title changes, over the course of at least a year. I’d suggest bringing Orton in as well to make sure it doesn’t get stale.
But onto something that there has been much debate about. Jeff’s new music. The jury is most definitely out on this one. I like it, but it’s just going to take some time to get used to. It lacks some of the driving beat his old music used to have, but it’s still damn good. On a note about that, if anyone has a good copy of that song, No More Words by EndverafteR, please send me it at Bad match, purely because of Snoresky. Yawn. He really has gone from ECW Undefeatable to Jeff Hardy’s whipping boy. Oh well. Now, Factfans, according to J.R and King, every MITB winner has gone onto win the championship. Erm. No. Kennedy? Kennedy? How could you forget Kennedy….Kennedy? Talking about him, it’s obvious Jeff will win MITB now, he had to go through the “unstoppable” Sntisky, while Kennedy just had to squash Val Venis. OMG! Kennedy was squashing someone who isn’t Super Crazy!!!!By the way J.R, consider your “Legend Thriller” nickname stolen by me.So, should Maria pose for PlayBoy? Erm, I’ll get back to you later. Ok. It’s Later. HELL YEAH!
So, I’m afraid I won’t get what I want, it looks like it most likely will HBK retiring Flair rather than Kennedy as I want. It just doesn’t seem right. Kennedy could gain so much from this, but I suppose in fairness, it seems much more fitting for Flair to retire to a friend, rather than his legacy be turned into an angle. Oh wait, too late, my bad.
But, one thing that definitely seems to be working is this thing WWE has got going with Mayweather. Loads of people in my school, all of them no wrestling fans have been talking about this. The only problem I can see with this is English people, especially us Northeners buying into him as a baby face, after all, he was the guy who ended Ricky Hatton’s undefeated streak, so a lot of English people are still annoyed with him. Oh well, I’m buying it so far and it’s certainly creating a lot of buzz, which can’t be a bad thing, can it?
It really was great to see Big Show back though, he is one of those guys that just is successful despite the curse of the big man, a.k.a a long undefeated streak followed by endless jobbing, ala Umaga, Mark Henry, Snitsky, the list goes on. Umaga less so than the others but still it applies to him. Quite a well thought out promo this one, started off well then leading into what I’m predicting will be a boxing match at WrestleMania.
Now, this is one new theme I DO definitely like, Mr KennedyKennedy’s. it’s quick and fun and makes me want the new CD now! If anyone has this new version of his theme, or has Jeff hardy’s new theme, please send it to me at the usual address, Thanking you. Pointless match though. Really, pointless. We all know Val will never be in an MITB so why make it look like he has half a chance? I’m amazed it wasn’t Super Crazy being squashed here to be honest.Steel Cage match time. Wow. This one really did change my mind, I was nearly crying. I couldn’t understand it. The last time I got so choked up about something I was watching the end of High School Musical 2 where Troy and Gabriella get back together, bit that’s not something a butch wrestling fan should admit to, damn. Now, apart from the fact I didn’t understand why JBL was out there, ( I thought we were going to get a Jericho run in, guess that feud is over.) Finlay brought so much emotion to this, which I didn’t think he would if I’m honest. I thought we’d be seeing an angry “I’m Gonna Kill You!” Finlay, but the poor guy seemed really heartbroke. Great emotion and story telling, especially seeing as Vince looked genuinely (in kayfabe terms obviously) concerned! Looks like we’ll be getting JBL vs. Finlay at Mania though, rather than Finlay vs. Vince like most people expected/So, on to what I personally see as the main event of the night, Maria vs. Beth, Maria’s playboy contract on the line. Now, obviously Maria wasn’t going to lose, but I still feel sorry for Mickie James, no offence to the ever improving Maria, but Mickie is great in-ring, and she can’t beat Phoenix, but Maria can? Of course it needed a Candice distraction (great to have her back by the way) but this is great news for men everywhere! Even more great news is it doesn’t look as though they’re splitting up Maria and Santino JUST yet. By the way men folk, Maria’s Secret Sessions is now available for free on Sweet.
I’m going to briefly mention the main event, because I was really tired watching it ,and lost interest. All I can say is that I was expecting a full HHH heel turn, but it was still quite cool watching him pedigree those two chumps at the end. Orton was never going to win really though was he?
Right, shameless plug time, great friends of mine, the band Depths Of Forever are in a bit of a drumming pickle, so if you are a good drummer, in the metal/rock style, and live AROUND the Liverpool area, it doesn’t have to be Liverpool itself, get in contact with them at, also if you just want to check them out, head there too.You can find me by emailing me with your feedback, thoughts and comments, fan mail, hate mail,love notes or offers of cheap Viagra as most companies do at and also at for those of you with MySpace.Remember folks, Big Phil’s Ramblings can now be found at,, and Next Time
Keep Rambling
Big Phil
OMG Phil, you rule!
With Love
Ha ha ha! Nothing like self-promotion!
Welcome to the team – let me know if you need anything.
Well in phil gd column lad. but i dnt agree. I don’t like jeffs new theme. and your idea of HHH and HBK feuding is gr but not for a year. as you said, it woulld get stale. lets not forget cena held the title for a year and we were all bored of that after 6 months.
great column though lad. (still not as good as mine.)
oh yh. forgot to mention. wa you said about who should end ric flairscareer. your right it shouldn’t HBK. Much rather it should be a fellow legend. damn it if heasn’t challenging for the title i would say the undertaker. but lets be realistic eh how about Batista. former evolution member and ones of smackdowns biggest hitters.
just saying.
Mike oby.
Well, I do rule. What can I say, did you get my email about my holiday?