WWE Heat Report (7/1): All John Cena, All the Time
Source: 411 Mania
Match 1: JBL vs. John Cena for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania 21
You know, I think I’ve seen this match on Heat before. Oh wait, yes I have.
From the October 8th edition of Heat:
We are joined in progress with JBL working over Cena’s back. Main even sleeper is applied. Cena suplexes out of the hold. We have a double count but at this moment, the crowd is still stunned with seeing Big Show in a thong. Double clothesline as the two men are desperately trying to get the crowd involved in the match. Sadly, it’s not working. Cena explodes with a couple rights before being dumped out of the ring. JBL neckbreaker on the floor. That gets 2 in the ring.
JBL goes back to working the back with a couple clubbing forearms. A JBL superplex connects. Cover gets 2 ½. JBL climbs to the top and flies with a crossbody. Unfortunately for him, Cena reverses the move to a powerslam. Another 10 count follows. Cena heats back up with a couple rights and two clotheslines. Back body drop and a flying shoulderblock connects. Hip toss and the Protoplex follows. Five Knuckle Shuffle connects. Cena runs into a big boot but ducks under JBL’s clothesline from hell attempt. FU finishes as the crowd goes mild. Lackluster match that was hugely eclipsed by their “I Quit” rematch at Judgment Day.
Winner: John Cena
I must say it feels pretty badass that I was able to recap my own recap. I’m so established…
Match 2: Edge vs. John Cena for the WWE Title at Royal Rumble 2006
Now here’s a match I haven’t seen. We are JIP with Cena attempting on FU. Edge eye rakes out of the hold and rolls up Cena for 2. Big boot by Edge takes down Cena once again. Edge climbs to the top rope. Top rope crossbody connects but Cena rolls through for 2 ½. Cena unloads with a couple of rights but walks right into a sleeper. Edge smartly segues into a rear naked choke with bodyscissors. Cena powers out of it and rams Edge’s back into the turnbuckle. A second attempt is reversed by Edge.
Edge goes for the spear but eats the middle turnbuckle! Cena DDTs him and we have our “10 spot.” Both men are up and it’s time for Cena to get to work. Shoulderblock, two clotheslines, Proto Bomb and the 5 knuckle shuffle connect! Of course, a superhero wouldn’t be able to kick out of that much less a Canadian. Thankfully, Lita (and her wonderful breasts) distract the ref. Cena smartly goes after Lita and even smartlier, he dodges an incoming Edge. Edge rams himself into Lita before walking into the FU. One STFU later and we have a new champ. A rather disappointing match especially compared to their later PPV encounters.
Winner: John Cena
Match 3: John Cena vs. Triple H for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania 22
We are JIP with Cena shoulderblocking the Hs. He walks into a MAIN EVENT SLEEPER but suplexes out of it. The Five Knuckle Shuffle connects to a massive chorus of boo’s. Cena locks on the STFU but after a long struggle, the Hs makes the ropes. The FU is escaped and Triple H pushes Cena into the ref. And like any good heel, he makes sure the ref ain’t getting up by double low blowing Cena and the ref. A DX crotch chop follows and I must admit that the return of DX was well-played. Well up until their first feud with the Spirit Squad.
Anyway, Triple H goes outside and grabs his lucky sledgehammer (complete with Mick Foley blood). In the ring, Cena fights back but runs into a sledgehammer shot. That gets 2 ¾. Another pin attempt gets 2 ½. The Pedigree is countered to a back body drop. FU gets 2 ¾. Cena climbs to the top rope and whiffs on a top rope crossbody attempt. The Hs tries another Pedigree, only this time, Cena reverses it into a STFU. After another long struggle, Triple H taps!!!
Winner: John Cena
Clips are shown from the ONS Last Man Standing match between John Cena and the Great Khali.
Main Event: John Cena vs. Umaga vs. the Great Khali for the WWE Title from Raw a couple of weeks ago
We are JIP with a long staredown between Umaga and the Great Khali. Finally, the two monsters exchange punches. Umaga runs into a side kick which sends him to the outside. Cena neck snaps Khali on the top rope but cannot pick him up for a FU. Khali hits a headbutt and now it’s time to GO TO SCHOOL. Kick in the corner, hard irish whip, scoop slam, and a devastating leg drop connects! Luckily Cena was at the bottom rope or else, we might have had a new champion. Umaga is on the apron but he is met with a GREAT KHALI CHOP! And now a GREAT KHALI CHOP to Cena!!!
It’s time for the DoubleTree bomb which is sadly broken up by Umaga. Umaga ties up Khali in the ropes but misses a butt splash on Cena. The Tree bomb is countered with a Samoan Spike to Khali. Cena shoulderblocks Umaga back out of the ring and the FU finishes Khali!
Winner: John Cena
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when john cena be back on wweraw thank you bigmikegill57@yahoo.com