A decent Impact gets us ready for this weekend’s Pay-Per-View, Against All Odds! We’ve got the much-lauded Base Brawl and the Sting vs. Abyss encounter. Also, we’ve got the much-anticipated Christian Cage vs. Kurt Angle title defense and so much more!
Remember, general comments and “wishes” appear in basic white while random or rhetorical questions appear in this orange color. In addition, “Quotes of the Night” are at the bottom of this page.
Segment One:
- Me: Hi everybody!
- Everybody: Hi Dr. Nick!
- The Impact Zone kicks off with Abyss beating the crap out of Chase Stevens.
- Wouldn’t it be sweet if Abyss could use that chain in a match?
- What was this match? Thirty seconds?
- Well, there go the Naturals…and if I was Shane Douglas, I’d keep my ass out of there.
- What is the deal with Sting wearing Abyss’ mask?
- I wish that the arena was bigger so the big-time matches had a big-time feel to them.
- Holy shit! That was the first “wish” in weeks!
- People really use TNA Mobile?
- We have a backstage interview with Angle and Samoa Joe where not much is said
- And this mysterious “consultant” thing goes on…
Segment Two:
- Christian Cage stops Tomko from beating the hell out of a steel pipe in the backstage area
- He promises Tomko that once the Angle title defense is over, things will go back to the way they were
- How were they? With Tomko as the big spoon?
- After a video package of Team 3D and LAX we find out that the old man LAX beat up last week was Brother Ray’s uncle
- Someone probably should have told us that a week ago so the beating lasted in our heads as a major event
- Does Brother Ray ever shut up? And is it just me, or do all of his promos sound the same?
- Team 3D calls for a “Little Italy Street Fight” at Against All Odds
- Am I the only one who thinks that this is the same thing as any other street fight?
- Brother Ray promises that someone is going to get whacked at the PPV
- Here comes Konnan playing the stereotypical pissed off Latino role. Boring…
- Is it that bad for Konnan to just be a completely amazing wrestler? Does he always have to be the pissed off guy?
- Brother Runt? Where did he come from?
- As much as I hate the LAX gimmick, they are pretty good wrestlers
- And we’re taken to the backstage area with a quick interchange where BG James tells Kip that if he’s going to continue to attack Christy Hemme, BG won’t stay around for it
- Who cares?
Segment Three:
- We’re back with AJ Styles yapping about how he’s better than Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe
- Cage interrupts and has a few good lines
- And we’re out to the ring for a 6-man tag team match and hey! Earl Hebner is the referee!
- How much you wanna bet he’s selling TNA t-shirts out of his trunk?
- Pretty decent match with Sabin, Storm, and Starr picking up the victory when Starr pins Senshi
- Wow – that’s a lot of “s” names, huh?
- Is Kevin Nash now playing a weird gay doctor?
- What are Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt doing back there with him?
- Nash suggests that he is responsible for Samoa Joe and Sting
- I absolutely do not get what the hell is going on with this stuff in the back
- What the hell just happened?
Segment Four:
- Back from break and Ms. Brooks is seducing Eric Young…
- Kinda creepy for JB to be standing right there with a microphone
- So is Eric Young smitten now?
- Sting walks out to the ring with the Abyss mask on
- Side note – we’re well more than halfway through the show – I love it!
- Sting has the cage lowered from the ceiling and it turns out that Mitchell is already knocked out in the cell
- Wow! Sting absolutely leveled Abyss with a right hand – then he followed up with a few chair shots
- Mitchell takes his belt off and chokes Sting through the cage as Abyss smashes a chair over Sting’s face
- If the camera angle was right on that shot, TNA could have just had themselves a show akin to the ECW shot with Tommy Dreamer creaming Raven with the steel chair
- What is the deal with the Christopher Daniels promos?
- The main event is next! Ah, I love a one-hour show!
Segment Five:
- Ron Killings is now Rocky? What’s the deal with this gimmick?
- As we come back from break, the announcers tell us that April’s Lockdown PPV will be taking place in St. Louis
- Tenay and West are going over the card for Against All Odds – does Tenay sound weird trying to sell these matches?
- This baseball crossover doesn’t seem to be getting TNA the type of coverage that they had hoped
- Ha ha ha! Johnny Damon just cracked whoever that baseball player was with a chair
- Funny TV
- Our main event is AJ Styles & Christian Cage vs. Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe
- We’ve got a nice match here with some high impact moves (pardon the pun)
- Sweet Jesus is this a commercial break in the middle of a match? Ugh…
Segment Six:
- We’re back from break and who knows what’s happened in the last few minutes
- Angle hits the Olympic Slam on Styles and Christian comes in for the save
- Styles recovers and hits Angle with the Pele Kick
- As Styles goes to top rope, Rhino interrupts and we get an Olympic Slam from the top rope!
- Angle and Joe pick up the win
- A hooded man hits the ring and takes out Rhino and Joe
- It’s Scott Steiner! Steiner is the consultant!
- I guess this is worth the wait, isn’t it?
- Damn, look at that tattoo on Steiner’s chest
- Nice way to end the show – good job, TNA!
- Now the question is, will you buy the PPV?
Quotes of the Night:
“AJ, I like your Style. I like your hood. I like your chain, too.” – Christian Cage with a really weird compliment to AJ Styles
For direct feedback, my e-mail address is listed below (I respond to all e-mails). Please feel free to submit your own wishes via the Feedback Form listed below. You never know – your wishes may appear in the next wish list!
– Joe Vincent
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