Friday’s Smackdown was one of the slowest Smackdown’s I have seen in a while. I was getting a little concern because with exception of one match the first hour just dragged and dragged. But things picked once we got to the I Quit match. Let’s face it when you have a show without Finlay, Lashley, London/Kendrick, and Chris Benoit you know you are in for a long night.
The show opened with MVP vs. Kane. Poor Kane, he leaves Raw after basically going nowhere and he goes to Smackdown only to be stuck in a feud with MVP. This is another week where MVP showed nothing at all, well that’s not exactly true. What the MVP character is showing all of us is, that the creative team put so much into selling this guy on the mic that they didn’t think ahead and because of this his in ring work if that’s what you want to call it, is weak, and you can also add that outfit that he wears too. My God you think creative could have done a better job all around with MVP.
The only match that I cared for in the first hour was Elijah Burke vs. Vito. I’m a little surprised that Burke is doing the wrestling each week instead of Sylvester Turkay. I was under the impression that Terkay was the one that the focus would be on, but lately he’s done very little in the ring. Maybe he has an injury, or maybe they just haven’t figured out someone for him to feud with. It’s all good though because I like Burke a lot. I like his personality, his look and he looks good in the ring. Vito week after week even in dresses has come through. This was a good match and I’m thankful that these two guys came through because the next segment didn’t work for me at all.
I have said many times that William Regal does one of the best jobs when it comes to making the fan’s laugh. And remember in the past when I said that even though this guy can wrestle, it seems like the place goes silent whenever he’s in the ring. It’s like that’s not the Regal the fans want to see. Well Friday night Regal said that he was tired of being a joke and that he now has someone that will keep Regal from being a doormat. And then we see Dave Taylor. Now let me say right off that I don’t know this guy. Now a few of you emailed me and gave me a little report on Taylor and I want to thank you for that. Taylor might be a great addition to Smackdown, but watching the match with Regal and Taylor vs. Scottie Too Hottie and Funaki was like watching paint dry on the wall. By no means was this a bad match, but I need more from the Regal team, a little levity would have been nice. I don’t know how Taylor will work out but I am definitely going to give him a chance. I’m just hoping for a little more fun and then maybe just maybe this tag team will work.
Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio in the I Quit match was next and this is when Smackdown really got going. I new this match would be outstanding at it was. I also knew that Rey would lose and believe me I knew that even before I read the spoilers. For months the rumors have been out there about Mysterio needing knee surgery so I just figured this was the match where he would not only lose but have to leave Smackdown. And sure enough if you go to they have an update about Rey’s knee surgery and from the sound of it he will be out for a while. But back to the match. I have to give props to Chavo and Rey for all they did to make this a must see match. Now the next match with Undertaker vs. Gregory Helms came off better than I expected. I mean I knew that Helms would lose to Taker, but Taker came off with a lot more energy than I’m used to seeing. This match was quick yet entertaining, and with Mr. Kennedy….Kennedy coming out and trying to get the best of Taker, but not succeeding because of a Taker choke-slam tells me that their feud is far from over.
And the main event with King Booker vs. Batista for the World Title was good. Now I didn’t expect Batista to beat Booker and win the title, no not with Cyber Sunday coming up. But this match had a little bit of everything in it. Good wrestling, John Cena and Big Show sitting on the outside and watching the match and interference by Sharmell, Finlay, and Big Show, and it was Big Show’s interference that cost Batista the title and gave him the win because of the DQ. Then after the match Cena hit the ring and teamed up with Batista to take out Big Show. The place was up for grabs and all of this lead to Theodore Long making a tag team match next week on Smackdown with Batista and Cena vs. Booker and Big Show.
So all in all what started out as a very LONG night turned into a decent Smackdown. Okay now tomorrow night I will be at Raw. I am so excited about going and even more excited because my son a one time wrestling fan is going with me. I will have something on Tuesday about being there live and I would love to hear from all of you on how it was on TV. Now remember the last time WWE came here it was for Wrestlemania and Raw the next night. The crowd was anti Cena for both nights. I’m anxious to see if the crowd now will embrace the guy. I’ll be booing him, but did you expect me to say I would be cheering him? Nah, not me. By the way two matches are up on for tomorrow’s show. My friend K-Fed will be there and in the corner of Johnny Nitro when Nitro takes on John Cena. And Randy Orton vs. Triple H will also take place; yeah this is a show I cannot wait to go too. Let me leave you with one of my favorite sites. It’s the site that my friend Diogo has with animated WWE wrestlers. He has updated the site so I hope you will check it out at Also one of my readers has a request. He would like to know if anyone has the Cryme Tyme training videos on their computer. He found many of them on the net, but he wants to put them on his phone. You can e-mail him at