Let’s see I could go on about Unforgiven, but I also could say a lot about Raw, so instead of deciding on one instead of the other, I’m going to just talk about certain parts of both shows that made an impression with me. Oh and by the way I did pretty damn bad with my predictions, but at least I was right about Cena not losing and going to Smackdown. I just could not see Raw losing this guy, not with a movie coming out. His win was something I saw coming from the time they pushed this whole Smackdown thing. By the way the fans in Toronto and Montreal Canada were absolutely HOT. They were really outstanding.
There were only two segments that I really hated Sunday. One was the ending of the Kane/Umaga match. The match itself wasn’t that bad, and I understand that they didn’t want to have Kane lose yet another match, but the ending was so flat, so pathetic that I thought we were doomed for the rest of the night, especially since the next match was really average and did not belong on any pay per view and I’m talking about the Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders. This was a match that belonged on Heat and not having the Squad lose just made things that much worse. But everything else I enjoyed very much. Jeff Hardy and Nitro were given plenty of time and they gave us a nice opening match. I also thought it was kind of cool having Matt Hardy backstage supporting Jeff after his loss, and even better was Lita being a total jerk and putting both brothers down. I’ll tell you this, I knew that after listening to Lita brag that she was going to win her match that it meant Trish was definitely going to beat the diva, too bad I didn’t know that a lot sooner. And speaking of Lita and Trish’s match, I really thought they both gave their all. And while I said that Trish would win on a DQ but Lita would leave with the title, I have to say that giving Trish a win to say good bye was such a nice touch. I could not have been happier by the results of this one, and I’ve said it many times before but I’ll say it again, I will miss Trish Stratus very much.
Randy Orton vs. Carlito was another very good match, but I was really surprised to see Carlito lose this one. Carlito just looked awesome in the ring, and these two not only came through in the ring but they gave us a nice feud to check out leading up to this match. But my favorite two matches of the night were the Hell in A Cell match and the TLC match. Let me start with the HIAC match first. This match turned out so much better than I thought it would. DX was outstanding, and the crowd reaction that they got was well deserved. I liked this match very much, but there were times when Vince, Shane and Big Show but really more the McMahon’s would get too much offense and things would slow up. But it seemed like every time Shawn Michaels and Triple H made a comeback the fans came alive and were quite loud. How appropriate was it to have Vince’s face buried in Big Show’s ass? Now I’m hoping that we have seen the last of this feud and if Vince and Shane took a few MONTHS off I can live with that, I really can.
The TLC match was excellent and my match of the night. I knew Edge was losing but it still bothered me since I feel he has a lot more to give as champion. I found it quite touching when Edge hit the ring and the Toronto crowd welcomed him with such a great reaction. You could see that this got to Edge as he tried very hard not to break down with tears. John Cena came through just like I figured he would and the crowds negativity for Cena was absolutely no surprise to me. He was in Edge’s town and no way were the fans going to turn their backs on Edge. I have to credit both of these guys for doing such a great job and this was a perfect way to end the show.
Now as far as Raw goes. Let me just tell you the things that hit me last night. The Montreal crowd was off the charts with their anti Cena chants and boos. However, I could not get over how Edge in a matter of minutes was able to turn the Edge Fan Club into the WE HATE EDGE FAN CLUB. I was hysterical. With just a few insults to the live Montreal group they went from hating Cena to welcoming him with open arms. Also I’m not happy Cena is champion I think Cena does much better chasing the title. Cena’s promo was nothing great, it wasn’t until Edge came out that things really improved.
As far as having DX coming out to take out Cade and Murdoch it’s not something I’m thrilled about and I’m thinking this will be a short lived thing. After all Cade and Murdoch beat Triple H and HBK up so badly last week I would expect some kind of payback. Hey did you all notice the look Hunter gave Cena when Coach came out to make the six man tag team match? It wasn’t a look of love. But I have more to say further along. The Kane/Umaga match worked out better last night than on Sunday. At least after a few nice chair shots, Kane going after Estrada made sense. This ending seemed so much more like a finished product than at Unforgiven. I thought Hunter and Shawn’s get well greeting to Vince was funny. Shawn was great being all broken up about poor injured Vince’s and the poem Hunter wrote and watching them put water on to make it look like tears was sophomoric but still very funny.
The Six Pack challenge match for the IC title with Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Orton vs. Carlito vs. Super Crazy vs. Chris Masters was sweet. Now I’m still not into Masters, I’m really not but the rest of the guys I enjoyed. Here’s the thing, as much as I really like Nitro and I do I think since they put this match on he should have lost it. It was kind of a let down for me that he walked out with a win. Also I was much more impressed with Nitro’s mic work last night; he seemed more into the character and less into just reciting lines. But this was a solid TV match. It looks like I finally got something right. Mickie James is going face. I figured with Trish gone they need a top face in the ring. I liked her interaction with Lita, and the match with Lita and Candice was okay. Candice tries and she’s come a long way and I thought it was a good match. I’m thinking we will see Mickie and Lita go at it at the Survivor Series.
As far as DX and John Cena taking on Edge,Cade and Murdoch for the main event? It was okay it’s not easy watching Cade and Murdoch being a part of the main event when they are on so little and when they are on they really don’t do much for me. But the match was a way of putting the top baby faces together. And for a Montreal crowd that is usually is so anti HBK, they treated him so well last night. And if you go to WWE.com there is a fun video with Hunter and Shawn after the cameras went off, and Shawn thanks the fans for the reaction that he received. It’s really something to see. But back to the match, as I said it was good, hell it was better than watching another DX match with Vince and Shane in there. Now earlier I mentioned the heelish look that Hunter gave to Cena during the opening of the show. I noticed during the main event Hunter and Cena never seemed to look at each other and after Hunter pinned Edge and the DX music hit, I saw Shawn tell Hunter something and then Hunter say something to Cena about doing the crotch chops with them. Now again I didn’t see any humor at all and I got the impression that Hunter doesn’t like Cena. HOWEVER, my thinking also is that this was done in character and that since Hunter and Cena had a feud a few months ago, having Hunter act all funny and happy to work with Cena would be ridiculous. Yes, he is back to being friends with Shawn, but you can look at that since they go back a long way, that all the animosity that they had for each other in the last few years is over with. But in the case of Cena things are still a little on the tense side. I found this whole Hunter/Cena thing quite interesting to watch.
I thought we got a very good pay per view on Sunday and a good Raw last night. I wanted to mention that I’m going to the October 23rd Raw. And Saturday night while watching the first hour of Smackdown twice, oh yes I forgot to share this with you. I never got to see Smackdown past the Rey Mysterio/Mr. Kennedy….Kennedy match, because WGN replayed the first hour twice. That meant that The Miz was on twice, but I was smart enough to make sure not to re-watch him the second time. Anyway for my Raw show they are advertising Hunter/Shawn and Cena vs. Edge/Orton and Umaga in a six man tag team match. Now my show I believe is 13 days before Cyber Sunday, so this could maybe be what’s to come in the next few weeks. Then again we all know the card is subject to change. Okay tonight we have ECW and Paul Heyman announced on the ECW site that he will have an ECW team in the Survivor Series against the Raw and Smackdown teams. But tonight Booker T is taking on RVD. And Friday when Smackdown debuts on the CW network not only do I hope ratings start to go up, but I hope that I get to see the complete two hours of the show and not a repeat of hour one.
Email lindarobin3@yahoo.com