Raw gave the fans a lot last night. DX added a new member. Wait I’ll introduce her to you. From Greenwhich, Ct., weighing in at a very impressive 8 pounds 7 ounces Aurora Rose. We also saw Shawn Michaels do a hell of a job as a solo act, strong mic work from Mick Foley and Ric Flair, a Cleveland, Ohio group that came off very well, and some good matches. So what more can I say? I’m sure I have plenty more to add about last night’s Raw. But first as far as my predictions go, I missed Ashley and Batista’s matches from Sunday’s pay per view. And I want to thank all of you that filled me in about the show. I noticed GAB got fairly good reviews not just from my readers but around the net. So again thanks for letting me know. Okay now it’s on to Raw.
I thought WWE handled Vince, Shane and Hunter’s absence extremely well last night by having Shawn Michaels come right out and announce that they were all there for the birth of Steph’s baby. Of course the line of the night for me was Michaels saying that Hunter had the “inside scoop” on the pregnancy. That was such a good line. I’m glad that Hunter was included in all of this since the majority of the fans know that Stephanie and Hunter are married and that he would be there for his wife on the arrival of the baby. So it didn’t surprise to me to have Coach come out and take over since the boss wouldn’t be there. And once Coach was on the phone with “Vince” I figured that HBK would be facing Coach later in the evening. Again Shawn brought some nice humor during this segment while on the phone with McMahon. This was definitely set the tone for a fun Raw.
The first match of the night was okay. We saw the Highlanders vs. The Spirit Squad’s Mikey and Kenny for the tag team titles. In all honesty I did not expect the Highlanders to win I see that happening at Summer Slam. I liked the action in this one and I would eventually like to see two of the Squad members face the Highlander’s and the rest banned from the ring. Now whether that will eve happen I don’t know but I think it would make this feud come off a lot stronger. Two weeks ago Mick Foley blew me away with one of his strongest promos that I can remember. Last week’s was good just not as good as the week before. But last night, I loved it. Foley came off like the one two weeks ago with a lot of passion and again it was like I could really feel his pain and anger toward Ric Flair. I’m love how they keep having Foley denying Flair a rematch and I enjoy watching Flair come out and give it right back to Mick.
But this time things got a little more interesting. WWE champion Edge and his play toy Lita interrupted Flair’s promo. What a perfect way to showcase the arrogant champion bad mouthing a legend and talking about how HE is the MVP of the show. Edge came off perfect during this segment. And to top it off while Edge is talking, Johnny Nitro tried a surprise attack on Flair, but this time Flair was ready for him. But he wasn’t ready for Edge coming in and joining Nitro in double teaming Flair. And with Flair needing help wasn’t this a good way to bring in John Cena? It sure was. The Cleveland fans were really into his run in. I had a feeling that we would get a Flair/Cena vs. Edge/Nitro match and that’s just what we got. We saw Coach on the phone again with “Vince” and a pissed off Edge complaining about Cena and that’s when Vince made this tag team match. Hell I was all ready for it.
I have to say I liked the very short backstage segment with Carlito and Trish. You know Trish had chemistry with Jericho a few years ago and it’s there with Carlito as well. I have no idea what he said to her in Spanish, but damn it certainly sounded HOT to me. Speaking of Carlito I really liked his match against Shelton Benjamin in the number one contenders match for the IC title. I don’t think you could have asked more from either guy. I’m telling you both men are showing why they should be pushed each week. I really thought Carlito would win, so it was nice to see Benjamin get the win even though he didn’t play by the rules. This was my match of the night.
I have to be honest with you and this is true. I missed the entire Hogan/Orton segment. Not intentionally but because I was hit with a couple of phone calls. I could not even tell you what I thought since I was just watching but really wasn’t able to pay attention. It teaches me to definitely tape just for this very reason. However I did see the Candice and Mickie James match, and I have to say Candice has come along way and she really gives it her all. Mickie is always fun to watch. I got a kick out of Candice when she was getting hit and on the apron yet she was able to take time to do her Go Daddy dance. That was made me laugh. But the match was fine. But I still hate the whole Diva contest and cannot take the Miz. This thing is getting worse week by week.
I’ll tell you I expected nothing with Shawn taking on Coach, since Coach isn’t a wrestler. I knew that the Squad would make their way out and they did. But at least HBK took them out right away. What I did not expect was Umaga showing up and going after Michaels. And that worked for me. Last week Umaga put on a good performance against John Cena and I’m fine with someone new coming in to try to destroy DX. So everything here was done very well. The main event was a good one. It was full of action, fast paced and the crowd was very vocal which just made it even better. I thought each guy looked very good in there and with Melina and Lita on the outside I really expected some major interference but we didn’t get it. But it didn’t matter because Flair, Edge, Nitro and Cena gave the fans a lot to cheer about.
So as you can see I liked Raw a lot. The show just seemed to fly by. I would also like to congratulate Stephanie and Triple H on their new bundle of joy. I’m couldn’t be happier for them. Tonight is ECW with long lost Kane taking on ECW’s champ Big Show. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, but I will be watching. Now there are a lot of rumors going around so Wednesday or Thursday I’m going to do my best to talk about them. There are new ones popping up daily so I really would like to talk about them.
Email lindarobin3@yahoo.com