It happened and it came off even better than I thought it would and today I feel like a true degenerate. Well I think I’ve been one for a long time, but bringing DX back worked so very well last night. I would like to talk about the return of DX and the other main angle that kept me interested last night. I won’t go into Raw, okay tell you what I’m only going to mention a few segments that did nothing for me. But first I hope you will all check out the following. A new trailer is now online for ‘101 Reasons Not To Be A Pro Wrestler: The Special Collector’s Edition’ DVD which can be viewed at
You can currently buy a DVD combo package for a limited time only of ‘New Jack: Hardcore’ and ‘101 Reasons Not To Be A Pro Wrestler: The Special Collector’s Edition’ DVD for only $29.99 directly at
The first worthless segment was Umaga beating a jobber. And to make matters worse Vince has booked Umaga vs. Eugene at Vengeance. Oh this has match of the night written all over it. The next segment that didn’t interest me was Randy Orton vs. Snitzky. This was the famous Orton vs. Angle is happening Sunday but we don’t want to put Angle on Raw so let’s just stick Snitzky in there and let Orton beat him easily routine. And finally we had Foley bragging about how he’s plans to stink up Vengeance and embarrass Ric Flair on Sunday in front of his hometown. Gee that makes you want to pay to see that match. Other than this Raw was a very upbeat show and I’ll credit the Rochester fans for that and DX.
I’m reading so many different reactions to the return of DX. Some were not too happy with the return. They thought that Triple H and Shawn Michaels were funny but being that they are not kids anymore they acted to sophomoric and this thing better not go on too much longer. Some felt that the fans liked them but really weren’t that much into them. Now many of my readers and other fans on the net felt entirely different about DX. So I will put it in my own words and sum it up this way. DX last night brought some much needed comic relief and life to Raw. They still got it. I laughed so hard from the time the DX pranks started. The chicken gift to Vince because he likes cocks, the over weight male stripper gyrating in front of McMahon, and the penis enlarger along with the alien imitating Vince’s walk was hilarious. You kind new that Raw was going to be somewhat of a wild and fun show after all of this. And having Vince storm out unexpectantly because Stephanie was going into labor was great because not only did it keep Vince off TV for the rest of the night, but I think we got a clue that Stephanie will return to TV after the baby is born and return with Hunter as a face. I say that because Vince was so furious that his daughter was going into labor that he called her a bitch for taking him away from Raw and punishing DX. This was just a very funny and excellent opening segment.
Surprising The Spirit Squad with green slime in the ring was again just something fun to do and it was nice to see the Squad not coming out on top for a change. The pranks continued to make me laugh when Coach got the DX treatment by being de-pantsed. While I didn’t need to see the Coach and his thong, I was really laughing hard when Shawn was making jokes about a guy wearing a thong, and you see Hunter a thong wearer reluctantly going along with Shawn as not to let on that he wears them. I know reading this just isn’t the same as watching Hunter’s face when HBK is making his comments. And the main event with the return of DX was excellent. The Spirit Squad midgets were absolutely HYSTERICAL. Triple H bringing in female cheerleaders because he’s been thinking about female cheerleaders for a while was typical DX. Then you add Shawn blindfolding himself because of his religion and it still came off humorous. As far as the fans go, they seemed to be very much into DX. This was a show I wish I could have been at. I feel if this lasts through Summer Slam it’s going to work out just fine. Hunter and Shawn are creative enough to keep it fun and keep it fresh and I disagree with many out there that feel they did it all last night and DX needs to end after Sunday. DX was a hit and I’m so optimistic that each when we see them they are just going to make the shows that much better.
I want to end on this note. I am still not a John Cena fan. I think it’s going to take me awhile to get past all his obnoxiousness he’s shown me in the last year. However, I thought his match against Balls Mahoney was done well. I didn’t expect much yet I liked it. I just wish he would stop doing the YOU CAN’T SEE ME crap, but I guess that’s just his thing and it’s not going away. But Cena took a hell of a bump from Sabu and it made me see Cena in somewhat a different light. I need a serious focused wrestler, not a bouncy cheerleader to get his Chain Gang going. Cena as of late is giving me a man that is more intent on impressing in the ring instead of on the mic. As I said I wish I could say, I’m now a Cena fan, but I’m not there yet. I would love to see this new John Cena continue and maybe in time I will become a fan of his. I have to say since he got involved with ECW he’s taken a lot physically, and in a way I think in the last two weeks he’s taken more then he ever did on Raw or Smackdown. I feel maybe this is a way to prove that this guy does have a lot more to offer. I guess time will tell but I did like his segment very much.
I will leave you with a request. A reader of mine would like to know where he can find the shirt that Randy Orton is wearing. You can email him at ECW is on in about 90 minutes and yes I will be watching it. Here’s hoping for a much better show than last week’s ECW debut. I’ll be back at the end of the week with Smackdown thoughts, ECW thoughts (maybe) and Vengeance predictions.