Dark Match
Lance Cade d. a Local Wrestler (whos name I missed, I believe he’s Thomas Penmanship from Chaotic Wrestling but then again I could be wrong) with the Complete Shot. Cade was trying out a gimmick very much like Jeff Jarrett from the mid 1990’s
Chavo d. Rob Conway with the Frog Splash. Good match, Conway got a bunch of Heat. The main problem with Chavo is, every time he tries to get the crowd up with him, they chant Chavo then they break into an Eddy chant, which is tough but the crowd loved him.
Gregory Helms d. Tajiri with the Shining Wizard. Great match which was used more or less to put Tajiri over in his farewell, it centered around Tajiri trying to get the Tarantula on Helms but it kept backfiring, Tajiri lost when he went for the Buzzsaw Kick but was countered and Helms hit the Shining Wizard. Tajiri after the match got on the mic and said “Tonight is my last night in WWE, I am going back home to Japan. Thank you WWE for 5 years, thank you WWE, thank you ECW, thank you fans, thank you goodbye.” and he posed for the crowd and left to a huge reaction
Snitsky & Tomko d. The Heartthrobs with a double big boots by Snitsky & Tomko. Half the crowd did not realize that The Heartthrobs were faces, and the other half who did shat all over them. Tomko & Snitsky seem to be getting over though
Trevor Murdoch d. Val Venis with a Bulldog off the top rope. The girls still love Val after almost 8 years, but the rest of the crowd found the match to be very boring, lots of those lovely boring chants, slow pace match ended when Val attempted the money shot, only to see Trevor move and then Trevor hit a bulldog from the Top Rope to win it, Val seemed out of it afterwards but he was ok.