Gays are Good, Arabs are Bad
By Jonathan Brown
The Muhammad Hassan character has drawn a lot of attention from both sides of the fence. Yet, one side is extraordinarily quiet as Hassan’s in-ring future is hanging in the balance.
Vince McMahon has shown no fear in past situations similar to the pickle jar he finds himself stuck in today. In homophobic America he had allowed two men to “play gay” all of the way up to their wedding ceremony. George W. Bush climbed the homophobe ladder to the position as the most powerful man in the world with the platform that homosexuals do not have the same rights as others, yet the WWE did not mind upsetting the moral climate established by our leader. To make matters even more clear, the WWE has continued to allow portrayals of homosexuality to parade around on television.
Anyone remember Eric Bischoff proudly announcing the presence of Hot Lesbian Action. If the world is to announce one wrong then why ignore another? Even recently on Raw we have been “treated” to imitation intercourse between Viscera and the Heart Throbs. “Homosexuality at its Best” should be the new catchphrase for WWE programming.
While homosexuals have rights, many people in this world find same sex relationships wrong. And many do not. Just like with terrorism. Many people find the actions of the GW Bush labeled “cowards” wrong and others could not care less. While many will argue that almost everyone finds terrorism as this big scary ordeal, the fact remains that many Americans live in terror every day that takes precedent and that has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda or Jihad. Not everyone gives a damn about suicide bombings and planes crashing into buildings.
Hypocritical behavior is detrimental to a company’s fan base and stock quotes. The WWE’s decision to kowtow to UPN and remove the Muhammad Hassan character may going to establish a nasty trend.
In a business where necrophilia (intercourse with dead people) was the center of a major story and there was no public apology, to potentially dismiss a character because of his ethnicity is absolute and clear danger for any minority.
Fifty years ago, African Americans were (and you may argue still) viewed as untrained gorillas unworthy of education or the benefit of the doubt.
One hundred and fifty years ago, male Chinese laborers were allowed to immigrate to this county without females so that they could build our railroads and then were banned from allowing their families to immigrate after their job was done.
Today the new scapegoat for all that is wrong are the Arab Americans. The WWE’s decision to contemplate UPN’s request shows a lack of courage, integrity and moral fiber.
Essentially the WWE is announcing that Muhammad Hassan is actually lower on the social scale than homosexuals, the mentally challenged and people that can only enjoy sexual intercourse with deceased persons.
What a message Vince McMahon.
The WWE has provided its viewers with much objectionable content including; Guns, kidnappings, stalking, potential rapes, nudity, and adultery. Yet, the WWE has never made a public attempt to remove ANY of these things from TV (with the exception of guns). By allowing them to stay in programs, this is the clear consent of the suits at Titan Towers. All that Muhammad Hassan has done is been Arab on a day that UNKNOWN people set of bombs in London.
Maybe on the anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings that left hundreds of thousands dead and injured, the WWE should take Americans off of TV.