Those close to Vince McMahon say that he has not been used to being around as many “yes-man” as he is now. Ever since Paul Heyman voiced his distaste and paid the ultimate price by being released from the writing team, there is no one that will even attempt to challenge McMahon as far as the writing team is concerned.
The veterans of the inner-circle of writers are Michael Hayes and Bruce Prichard. Prichard is earning a six figure salary, working a part time schedule while living in Houston, Texas. Hayes is “gun shy” due to previous dinking issues.
Brian Gewirtz has been said to have a rapport with McMahon like very few writers have ever had. Observers say that Gewirtz knows his role and will do whatever Vince wants. The rest of the writing team is young and does not even consider confronting McMahon about his storyline ideas, due to his distaste for those who confront him over storylines.